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going on vacation


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i leave on vacation in 6 days for 2 weeks, and i have to leave willis at home with my boyfriend :( willis doesn't really like him, but he doesn't hate him either, and they get along better if i'm not in the room. so i'm writing all the things he has to do to take care of willis down so he won't forget to do anything, and i just want to make sure i'm not forgetting anything. obviously i have to feed/water him and change his newspaper (all the obvious stuff), plus to weight him, etc. my cousin has to watch him cuz my bf is gone 2 of the days, so it's very step-by-step instructions, and i'm also including tips for her (she's only met him a few times, and he did let her pet him, which he doesn't let just anyone touch him so that's good right?) like he'll do just about anything for an almond, and the 'i'm gonna poop' butt wiggle. i also have his vet's # and to call me if they have any questions. i just feel like i'm forgetting something! i don't know if it's because i am or if it's because i'm just so worried about leaving him. i almost don't want to go cuz i can't take him with...just thinking about leaving him for 2 weeks makes me want to cry :( i don't want him to be mad at me for leaving him. can anyone think of anything i forgot? *sigh* maybe all i need is a 'he'll be ok without you for 2 weeks' i'm just so worried

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Just explain to him before you leave that you will be gone for two weeks and others will be taking care of him and you will be back, they understand more than what we give them credit for and I doubt he will be mad at you when you get back, quite the opposite, he will be so glad.


It looks to me like you have about all the bases covered, those step by step instructions should be all that is needed to ensure Willis is properly taken care of so now go and enjoy yourself.

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i'm almost crying thinking about it...*sigh*


i've also asked my dad to stop by while i'm gone. Willis just loves my dad and i'm not sure why. ever since i got willis the only other person besides me he really likes is my dad...(dad said he 'threw up' when he was petting him once while i was gone, but willis is pretty young so i don't think he did, plus i didn't see anything) i think willis can tell that dad's an animal lover and good-hearted. my bf's like that too, but i wonder if willis might be a little jealous of him (we're working on getting him to like my bf more...it's working slowly)


so thanks judygram for your re-assurance, i'm just so nervous! lol but at least i have an excuse to call and see how willis is doing everyday (afterall i have to talk to my bf everyday right lol)

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If you have step-by-step instructions, the vet's number and your cell phone number written down, and have Willis' normal routine lined out and the dos and don'ts written down, and plenty of favorite treats, everything should be fine. Go and enjoy yourself and I'll bet Willis will appreciate you all the more when you get home.

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I know you are nervous and I was the same way the first time I left Josey for a week but don't fret about him, he will be fine and a little time away will make him appreciate you more when you get back.


Of course you will be checking on him everyday or night, you have the excuse of wanting to talk to your bf, I got cha.:whistle: :lol:

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Maybe when you call your boy friend you can get him to put the phone up close to Willis so he can at least hear your voice everyday and you can reassure him that you will be home soon. Make sure you tell them which foods Willis can't have and I'm sure he will be fine. have fun on your vacation.

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tycos_mom: there's a list of things willis can't have laminated next to his cage lol. my dad said i should have it up there since there's so many things that could harm him (like onions) that you wouldn't think of. and i'm glad it's there cuz ya never know when i leave for 10 min and someone decides to feed him something...


i'm sure once i'm there i'll have fun, it's just thinking about it that sucks! we're going to sea world for 2 days (and eating with shamu!!) then to gatorland, magic kingdom and animal kingdom...so i know i'm gonna gave a blast at sea world and gatorland (sea world is awesome!!) i'll def. have to post pics when i get back!

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Sounds like you have it all covered. Willis will love you when you get back and he might have a better relationship with your b/f when you get back. Tell them to tell Willis the day before you come back that mom will be home tomorrow...I swear they understand. Willis will look for you that next day. Enjoy your vacation!

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thanks all you guys! i'm getting more excited about going. i bought my 3 and 5 year a camera (the 9 year old gets one tomorrow) and they are having so much fun walking around snapping pics of everything! it's so cute cuz the camera is so kid-friendly and wasn't very expensive. i'm gonna miss the forum :( i'll be away for 2 whole weeks!! unless somewhere has free internet down there lol (let's pray)

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GorgAss - I'm the same - off in a weeks time on my hols and until I posted on here about my reservations about leaving him (at my parents - one of whom is in the house all day)and I got lots of reassuring advice (like you have too) and I am now more happy about leaving him.


You never know - when we come back they mightn't want us at all!!!! Have a great holiday ~ I now intend to!! Jill x B)

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GorgASS wrote:

there's a list of things willis can't have laminated next to his cage lol. my dad said i should have it up there since there's so many things that could harm him (like onions) that you wouldn't think of.


That's a wonderful idea and it sounds like your Parents are really into taking excellent care of your Grey while your out on a nice vacation.


Believe me, having the peace of mind that you Grey is being well taken care of will make your vacation that much better with out having to worry about your Grey. :-)


Looking forward to seeing all those photos everyone in your family will be snapping. I'll bet the children will have some VERY INTERESTING ones. :-)

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