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More than one?


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I have a 12 week old Congo Grey. I have recently been offered a second one who is about three years old. I am considering it, but I am afraid that this will make my baby bond with the other bird and loose the bond with me me. What happens when you own more than one Congo grey?

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Hiya ladyluck.


I have 3 greys which have been introduced at different times. The eldest is 2 the middle one is 16 months and the baby has just turned a year old.


Having more than one grey has its good points as well as the negatives. There is no guarantee that the greys will get on together. I have two greys who are very bonded and inseperable but the middle grey took an instant dislike to the baby when he arrived so until you actually put the two together there is no way of knowing. I can have all three out together but they must be supervised at all time and they are learning to respect each others space.


I have seperate stands and they all have seperate cages, that is the way I will keep it as it works for me and the birds I have no plans of housing them together.


On the issue of bonding, I have had no problems at all! I have a close bond with all three and spend quality one on one time with each one on a daily basis, so I really wouldnt worry about the bonding at all just divide your attention equally between the two.


One thing you would have to closely monitor though is the baby being with an older grey. When you add a grey I have found them to do an awful lot of beaking to start off with this can look quite scary, I spoke to Dave007 about this after adding my second grey and found it was to determine the alpha bird. The boss of my three believe it or not is the middle grey!


I always do everything in order for the birds feeding etc from the eldest down to the youngest. Charlie my eldest is always treated as number 1 bird.


All three talk as well which is another question I get asked quite often with having more than one grey so it dosent affect their talking ability.


Do you know a lot about the new grey you are considering? Anything about his past? Has he been in contact with other birds at all? How did he react with them?


Please keep us posted on your decision wont you? If you get two there are lots of people here who will give great advice along the way and offer support.


Good luck:)

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As someone who owns more than one parrot (not two African Greys though) I'd have to caution you against it. It is possible that the Greys might bond and not want much to do with you.

It is also possibl that the baby will be very upset that their is a newcomer in the house and may/may not develop issues now or later on. Also, your baby grey needs alot of time and care, teaching and guidance at this stage.. which you might not be able to give considering there'll be another bird (much less an older bird who may have issues of their own).

Another outcome is that the two birds will despise each other or one will dislike the other etc. and you'll have to be constantly supervising them for fights and/or juggling out-of-cage time for them both... trust me it's stressful for all involved.. although it might not happen because your 1st grey is a baby.

A final option might be they might take to each other but still want to interact with you.

In short there's no way to tell which of these outcomesd you'll get so it's a game of chance. Personally I wouldn't get another grey, at least not until you've got some more experience with greys and your baby is older and more independant.

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I have 2 Greys one baby and one rescued 6 yr old they get along OK and it hasn't changed anything between me and my birds they are still just as bonded to me as they where before. Let the birds figure things out for themselves. don't try to put them together let them out and if they choose to get together themselves that great. I usually find that to be the best you may have to intervene if they one tries to hurt the other but for the most part they will learn to either bond or at least tolerate each other and respect each others space I have 5 birds and they all have out time together and I don't have any problems at all with it they are a flock they are all totally bonded to me yes they have friendships with other birds but they all love me best. I also treat each bird separately the first bird always get food and attention 1first all the way down there is a pecking order I got Fergie first she will always be number 1 then Tyco, then Raja then Jeepers then my baby Adaya. Fergie's always 1st to get uncovered in the morning and last to get covered at night. If you do it right you won't get to much jealousy or resentment and your birds will find there place in the flock. It takes patient and lots of love.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/01 23:07

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once again, thanks for all the info. I decided not to take the risk because my baby is still so young. My mom works for Animal Care & Control so she is always coming across abandoned birds exc. This one does have a home but was offered to me because I have one already. It is not so nice. I was told it sits around screaming help me, help me all day (no joke)... Needless to say lol, I may consider another Congo later when my baby is more mature.

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If you want your Bond try getting the same sex because if you have 2 opisate sex they will bond and turn into breeder birds and they wont talk that much as before becasue they have attension alredy by the opisate sex and i herd if they mate they go wild (i am not sure)


ps: sorry about spelling..


thanks alot



Proud of Abula

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