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Hi, I'm Chivalry's mommy!

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Judygram told me I should come over and say hello, so hi! I used to be on a forum like this awhile back (not sure if this is the same group or not, but it's okay!). Chivalry is my TAG; she is about five years old. She likes to rattle the bowls in her cage to get my attention (even if it means spilling the contents of said bowl), and her favorite food is peas.


When I got her, I thought she was a boy, so I named her Chivalry after the Prince in Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy. It turns out she's actually a girl (I think this happens to everything!). My friend who bird-sat for me for awhile called her Stormy; I hate that name for my bird. So, she's Chivalry to mommy.


Chivalry's favorite person in the house is my dog. They like to kiss eachother's noses (it's really weird). She also likes cornbread way more than anyone should. Especially if it has jalapenos in it!


As for me, I'm Leora. I am almost 25 years old, and I love animals. My friends were bird lovers, and they introduced me to how nice it could be to be a birdy mommy. I'm glad I am!


It's nice to be here; I hope I learn a lot (you can never know too much!), and meet lots of people. :D

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Hello again Leora and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Chivalry.


Thats so sweet that Chivalry gets along so well with your dog but be sure to supervise any activity of the two of them together so that nothing bad ever happens, maybe you could share a pic of them doing their smooching for us.


Ah yes bowl rattling, a common activity among birds to get our attention and it works too, greys are way too smart for their own good but their intellect is what endears them to us so you take the bad along with the good.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have, you have already, and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Chivalry you would share with us we would appreciate it very much.

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Hi guys! Chivalry more mutters than she talks, though she says a few things clearly. "Chiv-al-ryyy!", "Hi there!", and "Whoosh!" are her personal favorites.


I'll get pictures as soon as I can! The only one I have right now is the one in my icon, from when I first brought her home. I'm sorry to say that she was bought at PetSmart, but she is a healthy, happy birdy, so I guess they don't do -too- bad. ;)

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Well not all pet store birds are unhealthy but it seems we always hear stories about them all the time so we usually caution people about purchasing them there, probably a lot of them come from bird mills but you got lucky with Chivalry.


I look forward to seeing some pictures when you get the chance.

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