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Doesn't someone here own dobermans?

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What do you think about that mix of a doberman and a grey? I'm considering getting one. Waffeling between a puppy, which I'm not crazy about, I'm not into puppy antics and chewing and a rescue. But, I'm not sure about a doberman's temperment as a rescue or introducing them to flying birds. What is your opinion, anyone who has a doberman.

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I have had Dobermans for 15 years. The first from a pup of 6 weeks. After He died at 7 years of age, we began rescuing them and have had them since. They each have different personalities and rescues, depending on what happened in their previously life dictates how you must deal with them to get them to become a loving and dependable Doberman.


I will say, that they are very sight oriented and the flapping wings excites them greatly. I had to crate them or take them in other rooms the first week we had Dayo home to ensure his safety. We spent weeks socializing the Dobermans and Dayo. They will now lay next to us calmly while Dayo is out all day long, however, when he and or our conure start flying around they become very alert and I must give them the "Stay" and "Down" command or they will try leaping to catch that moving wind generating thing flying through the air.


You can NEVER trust a Doberman or other sight oriented breed around your birds.


You may want to look at calmer less sight oriented dogs if you wish to get one. :-)

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Okay, I am going to ask one more question, what does anyone recommend for a good guard dog that can live with flighted birds? We are just in the planning stages of moving to TN...we have about 80 acres up there and want a big dog that can have run of the land, but it will be a house dog and part of the family. We need a breed that can get along with our birds, is big (just preferance, we like big dogs), has a good temperment but will provide protection for the home and property as well. It's a tall order for a dog I know. Any input or insites on a breed of dog that you have would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty bummed out about the dobies as they are a stunning animal and have the right temperment for all the criteria except my birds.

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Do you think they would be more relaxed if they were raised with the birds from puppies? And with the added plus of having land to run and roam to get out any excess energy? Do you just have rescues now? sorry to ask so many questions, I have some time before I decide, but I think it's important to do your research and often times, people who own the animals are the best source of information. Thanks for your input.

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I would expect a pup growing up with birds, cats etc. to be much more adjusted to and mellow with them.


Yes, we only have rescues now. We have presently have had the two we have now for 4 years. One is 8 years old and the other is 6. Neither of them likes cats, other dogs or anything else that moves quickly for that matter.


The Doberman we raised from a pup, liked people, cats, birds etc. He was raised very well socialized with people and other critters. He would only go into protection mode if something was wrong. You could train your Dobermans from pups to be the same.


Ask all the questions you wish, I don't mind at all. :-)

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:P We have a doberman, aw Pincer, aw well he looks like one... Rolo, our 5 pound Min Pin, Little dog, Big bark.(This is all in fun, Listen to Dan and others!)He gets a long great with Spock and our other fids, Spock try's to preen his ears,(ow)lol...and chase him.

Jay an:woohoo: d Maggie:woohoo: {Feel-good-0002006E}

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Hi, I'd like to put my two cents in here. I raised 2 doberman pups, brother and sister. I spent a lot of time training them, I didn't have any other pets at the time except for a small-medium poodle mix.

I found that the male was much quicker to react before thinking and was jealous of the female who considered her actions. In the end, on walks, I could keep the female off leash but not the male. They got along fine with the poodle, she was their surrogate mom actually, but they were both jealous of her when she used to go on trip with us in the car but they didn't. My poodle got picked up by the neck and shaken by the female once for having a big bitchie "leave me alone" attitude one day when she walked in the gate after coming back from a trip in the car. The female dobie was simply trying to kiss her and welcome her and felt betrayed. They are very emotional. They are excellent loving dogs but highly excitable. You have to know what pushes their buttons to avoid a confrontation with other animals. When they were puppies, a stray cat wandered in to our property (we had 1 acre and the dobermans lived outside) and walked right up to the food dish while the dogs were eating and ate with them. The dobies had no problem with that and welcomed her. I wanted to keep the cat but I was voted down by the other family members who I was living with at the time. I so wish we had kept the cat - had they grown up with it they would have been more tolerant with other animals, I'm sure. As it turned out, whenever a stray cat roamed into our property they chased it down and killed it. There was nothing I could do about it. They just got too excited. I totally agree with Dan that they are very visual and get excited with fast moving things. If something runs they will chase it and grab it, period. I loved the dogs very much and I would get another one if I had a big yard. I do believe that if they grow up around other animals they are fine, they are just very sensitive so you have to be aware. Sorry for going on and on... hope it helps.

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Thank you everyone for you input. It helps having actual stories and people who know the dogs to give advice. I'll keep them on the list, but it sounds like I might have to do the puppy thing. I probably would have to with any of the large breeds I'm considering. At least, it is good to know that I can still keep considering them. It also sounds like they are very sensative dogs...I did not realize that. Thank you.

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