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Termites, Termidor safe for parrots?


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Does anyone have experience with Termidor? The pest control company said it is safe to leave the birds in the house. Any information is helpful. I am really worried about my parrots, but I have 14 birds total and I don't know where to move them.


Thank you!


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Hi Regina, I'm not familiar with Termidor. Maybe other members will know more about Termidor. I would to be on the safe side remove my fids from the area. However with the flock you have I can see where you are reluctant to do so. What I would do is call the pest control company and find out the ingredients in Termidor and then call the local poison control authority and ask them how harmful these poisons and their fumes are and then also call my avian vet and ask him if your birds are safe. With that information you can best decide whether to move your flock or if they are definitely safe. It would be a tragedy if they were all lost.


Please introduce yourself in the Welcome/Introduction Room and tell us more about your large flock and so we can give you a proper hello.

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Termidor is so hazardous that you have to have a license to handle it. I used to work in property management and our Exterminator sold me some of his own supply for me to use. You have to wear a mask when you use it.


Now that being said. Do you have active Termites so that they are having to use it indoors. The preventive measure for it's use is they just dig a small trench around your house and pour it into the ground thereby creating a barrier. I would not see where that would be a problem.


I looked around on the internet and supposedly it is safe if used by professionals. I for one do not trust the agencies that label these products safe. How many drugs do you know of that have been recalled because they later found out it was harmful. A bird's respiratory system is so sensitive that I would be very reluctant to expose them to any poison. And that is what it is.


Do your research. Google the MSDS data sheets and make the best decision you can.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/01 03:25

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I just ordered a couple of small breeder cages, so I can move the birds out of the house for 24 hours. I called my vet and that was the recommendation. I will put the Greys in their sleep cage for the 24 hours, I hope they don't have any problems with that... It is really small, just one perch and enough space to move around. Normally they live in a double Macaw cage or their large outside aviary.


Yes we have active termites. The pest company wanted to treat the outside of the house. I read that once the Termidor is dry, there should be no risk to the birds.



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