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Welcome misslea77!!! What is your fid's name? Any photos? Tell us more! :D If you're looking for lots of information to help you out in caring for your baby you've come to the right place! This site is fantastic and so are the people in it!


If you get a chance we'd love to see some pictures of your feathered friend!



P.S. Before you get the wrong idea, the photo in my avatar is my boyfriend and our grey Chimay. I've tried to get him to register under chimaysdaddy but he'd rather just impose his image on my username. LOL!!!<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/06/30 21:36

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Hello Misslea77 and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, at least I assume it is a grey.


So your parrot loves your partner more, well we have heard that story before many times and it is not much you can do if he has chosen someone other than you for his favorite. That doesn't mean you can't have a good relationship with him, just not like the one with your partner.


Greys choose who their favorites are and you will just have to learn to live with it, you can be the one to give treats, that will endear your self somewhat to him.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have any of your grey please share some with us, btw, what is your grey's name and how old is he?

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hi there my african grey is a male called jacko he is 7yr old i believe. We have had him roughly bout 4 weeks now ive had a about 5 bites of him and 2 drew blood my partner hasnt been properly bitten yet (nibbled though) im with our parrot all day. Ive had kisses from him he has been on my arm (only when he needs help though) im the main carer/cleaner which im loving just wish he loved me back lol. i love the fact he and my partner have that bond its gr8 to watch (even when jacko is being a horny bird on my partners arm is quite funny)


i will post some pics soon although i dont have any on my laptop yet

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I hope your partner is not stroking his back, under the wings and the tail area when he is feeling horny as that will only further frustrate him.


You have only had him for 4 weeks, that is not enough time for him to learn to love you yet, give him some time, he may never feel about you like he does for your partner but it can be good for you both.

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Your parnter should not encourge the birds hormonal tendencys the bird needs to be put on his play stand when he start masterbating on your partner birds get all kinds of problems when these behaviours are encouraged. skritches on the head,neck and face are fine touching downhis backunder his wings or anywhere near the vent area is not good and can cause problems. If you want your bird to love you then spend time teaching himsome new tricks or something that is enjoyable for you both do it when there is just you and the bird around or take the bird into another room where you can work with him without distraction.he will soon learn that you are a wonderful person to hang ot with and will look forward to your time together be consistant and try to spend the time with him at the same time everyday so he learns to expect it at that time. parrots love rotine and if its part of his rotine to come and spend time with you he will learn to look forward to it at that time everyday.

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Welcome Misslea!!


It's GreYt having you and your flock here. :-)


Give your Grey a little more time to settle in and see how it goes. Perhaps the last woman of the house did not treat him so well.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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hi sorry had to leave yesterday just an update my partner and i are taking on board all the advice given to us on ere, when he is horny my partner and i just laugh at him we dont touch him. jacko is outside in garden at the mo blowing bubbles haha he is off to the vets this afternoon for a routine check as its first chance we had since gettin him wish us luck gettin him in his carry cage took some more pictures last night gonna upload them to my laptop later when i have a little more time ;) thanks all and catch up soon

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Thats ok, we all get busy with life but you get here when you can, glad to hear Jacko is going for a vet visit and hope he checks out just fine.


You need to take him out in his carry cage at other times to show him it is fun to go places and not just to the vet's office or he will not want to have anything to do with it. My Josey will go into her travel cage with no problem because I take her with me to fun places and she knows she is going somewhere if I put her in it.


Looking forward to seeing some pictures of Jacko when you get the chance.

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jacko went to the vets he is fine a little over weight so now on a diet but nothing to worry about just gotta cut down on his treats, vet says he is one of the stronger birds and i know he has quite a bite hmmm :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: misslea77, at: 2009/07/02 16:05

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Yeah more vegetables for Jacko then and less of those high calorie treats.


I don't know if that is a compliment about him being one of the stronger birds but I guess he has quite a bite and who would know better than you, guess your vet knows too.:whistle: ;)

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Misslea I know what you mean I can't take ours to the vet either as I get too upset, my boyfriend has to do it. If I went and felt stressed I know it would stress them out as well. I stay at home and am the welcome party when they get home with all the treats ready to go.

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this is jacko pls stop by and view him, these are the things he does most well apart from sayin "what" and "hello jacko" is it possible to teach him more as im trying everythiing i can think of to train him to say more words or do more actions up to now ive taught him how to open a plastic see thru box and ring his bell also we call it dancing but really he is just bobbin his head up and down pls any suggestions on how to train him a better way thanks misslea x<br><br>Post edited by: misslea77, at: 2009/07/06 16:05
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Thanks for sharing that video of Jacko, he is very entertaining. :-)


As far a training goes, you just need to decide what it is you want him to do first and then figure out how to best get him cooperate and use a favorite treat as an enticement or reward.

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