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Hi everyone. my baby grey is 11 weeks old today and i have just brought her down to 2 feeds a day from 3 feeds. i would like to know when to feed her once a day. And when to stop feeding her porridge at all. any experienced weeners here?

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Its not up to you to stop feeding her its up to her she will let you know when she's ready she will refuse her feeding and thats when to stop it she will start by only taking a little then refuseing the whole thing so you can cut the formula down as she refuses in 1/2 then the entire feeding its very importent to let her stop its not your desision and if you cut her to soon you will have problems force weining is a total no-no with African Greys or any bird for that matter.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/30 21:17

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Hello, how are you and Leia doing? How is the potty training going?


So did Leia refuse the 3rd feeding herself? The best method is abundance weaning, where you feed her as much as she wants to eat until she refuses it herself. For instance my baby started eating less and less formula during his lunchtime feeding, when he started eating only 10cc at lunch I just dropped that feeding and weighed him every morning to make sure he wasn't losing any weight. Do you have a scale to weigh her? It is a very important key to weaning your baby.


Then he started to refuse the morning feeding, when he was only eating 10cc I dropped that one too and made sure he didn't lose any weight. And so on with the last feeding. When I completely stopped the formula I started giving him oatmeal at night so it wasn't such a drastic change for him.


Anyways, that is how I weaned my baby. The more Leia refuses the formula the closer she is to weaning. Ecko weaned at about 17 weeks old so you still have a ways to go, the average age for weaning is 14-18 weeks old, but every grey is different. :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/30 22:30

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Thanks for all the advice. Really helps alot. She didn't refuse the lunch time feed but after 2-3 teaspoons full her attention drifts and she never finished her formula so u figured it's time to stop. But maybe I should give her just a little until she refuses totally. Will try that. I have a scale and I do weigh her, but probably not as often as I should so I'll monitor her weight too from now on. Thanks guys

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Your right on track Leia. Keep offering it and she will stop eating once shes had enough, as your observing. Monitoring her weight is important at all times, especially so when the weaning process is starting to come to an end and she is switching over to the foods you are offering her. It's GreYt to hear you are doing that.


Every Grey is different, just as Dhorges Koko illustrates. Some will like to be given a hand feeding sometimes through out their lives. We continued giving Dayo baby food from a spoon well past the time he was weaned and still offer him some in the evening s at times. In the wild, you will observe mates feeding each other at times. It is the ultimate sign of love and affection.


So, just thought I would make you aware that at times she will or may beg and bob her head, meaning she would like a feeding spoon fed to her. :-)

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hey caitb2007. in reply to the potty training, lol, leia still tries to run out of her box and then goes outside the box, despite the fact that i try to bribe her with treats when she goes inside the box. i guess it will take time. its only been a few days. :) hows your bird doing?

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I still spoon feed Josey her oatmeal in the mornings, she loves it and they do vary on the time they wean, some early and some later, depends on the individual grey.


Oh yes greys do feed each other in the wild, thats why it is a sign of affection and love and when your grey regurges for you it means you are truly loved.

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