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Spock has a new Friend, Salsa..


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:woohoo: Spock has a new roommate, a 12 week old Yellow-nape, we named Salsa...The really get along great, Spock preens the new baby.. Still being fed 3 times a day, going on 2 times a day soon.. Here's photos.....Pictureh002-2.jpgPictureh006.jpgPictureh006.jpg:P

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Oh what a cutie when did you get salsa very pretty I just love amazons I have a yellow crown that is just so precious to me. Gosh looking at all these beautiful baby Amazons is making me all broodie. I would just love to raise a baby Amazon. BITE MY TONGUE no more birds.LOL<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/30 10:13

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:) We just got Salsa last night..We walked into the house and perched Spock and told him about Salsa, then put the new baby beside Spock...Friendship I'll upload more pic's today..

Thanks.(lol I can get 3 more ):laugh:

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Thank You, Right now were hand feeding at our home 5 babies, 2 tiels, 2 sun's and Salsa..Our problem is where we help out we have access to all kinds of birds, from rescue to babies/adults and re-home, and it's hard, real hard to say No!!We just finished help raising a hawkhead(wow)3 CAGS, 1 Moulacan Too, 4 Amazons, 4 senagals, and 2 Half-moon parrots:blink: and we love them all,were pretty much devoted to birdies...were non-profit...:PPictureh003-2.jpgPictureh007-2.jpg

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They sound so sweet I just love hawkheads but there hard to find in British Columbia Canada the closest breeder is on the other side of the Country at least the only one I know of and they don't like to ship their birds. Probubly just as well or I'm sure I would have another bird to worry over

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Wow, what a beautiful zon you have, it's wonderful to see they get along right now. :-)


Hawkheads are very rare, my Breeder raises them as well. They have a hard time getting more than one fertile egg out of a laying of 3 or so.


Thanks for posting these photos. :-)

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He is so cute I bet he was fun to take care of I would have big trouble not keeping him what a little sweetie. I wonder why they are so hard to breed 1 out of 3 isn't very good odds. I wonder if its like that in the wild as well.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/01 19:54

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We have had our new baby Salsa, about a week now. An Amazon is so different from a Grey. Spock, her and the two suns get along great. (We hope it continues, not much chance) The way Salsa got her name was really cute. We were driving her home and he/she was very quiet the whole time. We were tossing back and forth possible names when I said "How about Salsa?" All of a sudden, she started chattering. I said "do you like the name Salsa?" and she kept on chattering louder.:laugh: Pictureh022-1.jpgPictureh025.jpgPictureh063.jpgPictureh018-1.jpgPictureh070-1.jpg

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The breeder who I am supposed to be getting my TAG egg from (chances are dwindling, however) also raises hawkheads. The male is Euro 980 and the female is Euro 1200. Is it a difficult bird to own?


Your birds are beautiful. How is the behavior of the amazon so different than the grey?

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:) Thank you so much...A hawkhead is a great bird, much like a CAG, you have to praise them when good and don't let them start any bad habits. They have more fruit and veggies in ther diet and seed.They like to cuddle, talk and sing, but they can be head strong.They cost around $2000.00 USA.

Amazons LOL, You treat a amazon with respect, love, praise, and a rod! (joking) They can be aggressive and stubborn, loving and bossie... You have to be strong with them, tell them No, not the same as a Grey...and during mating season it's best to use a perch with them...:ohmy: (love-um all)

Jay and Maggie

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Beautiful pictures of Salsa, and of Spock and Salsa. They are so cute together, looks like they get along great too.


That hawkhead is absolutely gorgeous too. Ever since you posted that picture it got me really interested in them, I can't believe I've never heard of them before. I've been researching a lot about hawkheads and it makes me want one in my future, they are so beautiful, gosh thanks a lot haha! :P

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