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What to do in an emergency...


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Saturday night, my husband and I went to bed pretty late, 3:30am. I was almost asleep when we both heard and felt a loud bang. It sounded to both of us like someone kicked our front door in. We keep pepper spray in our room and another in the kitchen. We got the pepper spray long before we got AnnaBella. We live in a large 4 bedroom house so there's quite a distance between our room and the front door. He grabbed the pepper spray (it's actually Bear pepper spray in a very large can). He went out but found nothing, thank God!! There was no shoe print on the door or anything. As he went out, I was sitting up thinking about AnnaBella...if he had to spray someone, would AnnaBella be ok? She sleeps in her own room with the door shut. It's closer to the front door than we are. We need to replace the pepper spray because it's pretty old...but now we don't know if we should get it...but if we don't get that, what would we use for protection if something happened? We were thinking about sealing the door to her room better so that every time we shut the door, it would be as if we put a rooled up bath towel at the bottom..between the door and the floor. Then maybe the pepper spray would be a little safer for her??


This whole crime thing has scared the crap out of me. I saw on the news that they are cutting a lot of the sheriffs/police. Something like going from 40 sheriff on duty at one time to 9. People were talking about how crime is going to go up because criminals know there aren't enough cops around. Home invasion has always been my biggest fear...I cringe when I hear about that stuff on the news.



The noise we heard was nothing. We have a couple kayaks in the backyard up against the house...on the other side of the wall is our bed. One of the kayaks fell...my husband says that's what the noise was. I'm not so sure...I actually felt the house shake. Whatever it was has got me thinking about what to do in an emergency. Even a fire...we've got a small crate in AnnaBella's closet ready to go if we need to get out in a hurry.


In addition to my question about pepper spray, what other things can I do to prepare for an emergency that wouldn't harm AnnaBella? My husband and I are very able to get out a window...our dog is good...it's just AnnaBella that I worry about. Any suggestions?


Sorry for rambling on...I'm still freaked out by what happened...I wish I could be sure it was the kayaks. :unsure:




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That one of the reasons I live in the middle of nowhere 25 miles from the nearest small town and 65 miles from the city of Vancouver. I know crime happens everywhere but it happens a whole lot less where I live heck I don't even lock my doors. everyone knows everyone and we are good neighbours we watch out for each other when there's no one home. I wouldn't go back to the city for all the money in the world my peice of mind is worth allot to me.

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Here is my emergency plan. My Lily, pug, is a great burglar alarm in her own right and I also have a security system so I feel pretty secure. Of course it doesn't hurt that the police station is 2 blocks from my house. I also believe in owning firearms as long you are familiar with them. I also have a travel emergency kit full of birdie needs like extra pellets, nutriberries, birdie first aid things, etc. I have an emergency kit full of dog needs also. I have two travel cages in easy reach in case of fire. In case I am not home when there is a fire or other emergency I have a trusted neighbor who has a key to my home and will evacuate my birds and dog. My pets are very familiar with this neighbor and her family. I have done all I can think of to protect my companions and home from intruders or fire.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/30 23:12

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The only thing we do is lock the cage door.


I know the breeder we got our birds from had a break in but thank god they didn't touch the birds just opened the door to the bird room and the birds screamed blue murder.


They ended up getting an alarm so that when they are in bed it is activated in the other parts of the house (obvioulsy not the birds room). They also have a panic button so if they press it the security company comes out straight away. The alarm is also connected to the fire alarm.

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1 - If you don't have one, get an alarm system on your house.


2 - Get a gun, no worries about any spray getting to Annabella or the burglar getting to you even pepper sprayed.


3. The pepper spray is not toxic to you or to her and the way you have her setup in another room she would probably not even get a whiff. But, she might like a shot or two straight in the beak...they love Hot Stuff!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 15:54

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I have an alarm system, my two dogs outside, no one comes to the house without them barking and I have a handgun, heck the whole house is full of guns, shotguns, rifles, you name it we got it and we shoot first and ask questions later:angry:

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I don't think I have it in me to shoot someone. I could never live with myself. I have 3 dogs and one of them is pretty big I certinally wouldn't want him mad at me. He weights in at 75 lbs I think he scare off any uninvited guests. I don't like guns.

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Thanks for all the replies. We are thinking about getting a gun. We can't get an alarm system, we rent...although, I suppose we could ask the landlord. We'll be buying a house in the next year or so, so we'll definately get an alarm system when we move.


I'm glad to hear pepper spray is non toxic...thanks!!!

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An emergency like a fire is one of the reasons my birds sleep in my bedroom in their crates even thought it is recommended from what I know not to keep birds in your bedroom. If something ever happens like a fire or for some reason in the middle of the night I have to GET OUT of the house, they're right there and ready to go.

We have very large and imposing dog (in the range of 130 pounds) who although he is crated at night makes a hell of a lot of noise if he hears or sees something. The doors are locked and we have an alarm system... so I'm not particularly worried. There aren't any firearms in the house that we keep loaded or nearby--I don't plan on getting any even if or when I move out on my own--I'm terrified of guns and can't stand to look at them as they freak me right out--although if it's my life or some intruder's life I wouldn't hesitate to use them.

I may or may not get a dog if I lived on my own but for right now I feel safe.

If I move into my mom's community with her the town is so small (under 10,000 people) that there is virtually no crime--no one can committ any crimes because everyone knows everyone and everything about them so I'd be even less worried.

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for those of you that have emergancy kits ready to go...


luvparrots: you said you have a kit ready to go with pellets and nutraberries and everything. do you rotate the pellets so they don't get old or how do you make sure everything stays fresh?

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