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feather plucking


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Hello everyone.

I was wondering if I can get little advace from the experts. I had adopted plucking cag about 8 monthe ago I have work every different ways to help him after vet gave me clean bill of health I mist him often with aloe vera juice from froaging to propert diet, nontheless, I have fail all the aspects I sever him fresh veggie everyday and grind them up fine mix in soft foods, fruits and and I serve him harrison and zupreem. when I first got him he was on all seed base diet, now his doesn't eat seeds at all and nibbles on little bit of pallats evry once a while when I make soft food he nibbles on little that is about it, for awhile he had left his feather alone and most his chest and neck wing feather has grown back but just recently he had started picking again around spring time so I have took hime back to vet again and vet gave me clean bill of health,mean while he is keep picking every time I see a feather that he chew up it give me a chill, and he is not a cage in bird , every morning I hang his veggies on the branches but he doesn't eat it I have ordered organic red palm oil and also the red palm fruits to help him with flucking for some reason if I mix palm oil in the food he will not eat and I think that is the reason he is not eating his seeds I wolud like some advise on type of vitamins to maybe help him or some of you may had try the type of vitamins for plucker if you could give me some type of sugestion it would be wonderful oh one more thing he is very nervious bird and I have been giving hime every day chamomile tea since I had him and the recue center that I had adopted him from had ask me not to put him on medication for his overly nerviousness, previous owner had over does him with that drug so I was trying with holistic care.

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1---How old is the bird?

2---How many owners has he had before going to the rescue center?

3---Was he a plucker at the rescue center?

4---What was his general diet at the rescue center?

5---Were you told whether the bird is a naturally nervous type of bird?

6---Were you told or did you ask why he was in the rescue center?


You may have what is known as a chronic plucker which means that he probably won't stop doing that because he's adjusted to living like that with no problems.


You should try to get some of the above questions answered.


Palm oil or palm nuts or both together will not help any bird who is an acute or chronic plucker. The palm products provide certain types of vitamins that have nothing to do with plucking but it's still a good idea to use it because greys need those certain vitamins.


If you have trouble feeding it, sprinkkle the proper amount of oil on pellets that he likes. The pellets absorb the oil and the bird eats the pellets.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/06/29 21:41

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1- he will be 2yrs old next month

2-he only had 1 owner before the rescue.

3-yes he was plucker from very 1st owner

4-he's main diet was seeds, although previous owner tried pellets never succed.

5- yes he was very nervious type of bird, rescue center lady had said that it was the invalment he was in at very young age made him very nervious inscure bird.

6- the first owner bought the bird from the breeder and had the wing clip very short and the owner and none ceritified avian vet trying to get the bird to eat just the pellets no seeds and had lot of other animal around his cage and from what I heard little they had first try the some type of med it didn't help him to calm him or less nervious so the vet had double doesage and at the end tripple, and he was still very nervious plucking feathers they had done full blood test on him as well with all the vet bill going back and forth and she works all day and the bird was almost to bold so she finally gave up to the rescue,at the rescue he had another blood test done for his plucking and they gave him clean bill of health as well when I had transfer all the records from previous owener vet and the rescue vet to my vet.

I hope that had answer some of the questions. and yes he is still very much nervious with as well, I have him far side of the livingroom. he doesn't seem to be scare of anything but just really nervious every time he gets nervious he put his toe nail in his mouth and pricks my vet said that it was very nervious,he play lilltle he gets nervious out of no reason, and his feather stress marks all over back in spring he had pull all his tail feather out now that new one started com out has stress mark as well so I was wondering even that I am doing giving him fresh veggies maybe his not getting all vitamins he just nibbles on it little he doesn't eat it all that much and most goes to waste, I can forth him to eat the good stuff all I can do beg him to eat that doesn't work eather

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Hi Shalom, I have a Eclectus that is a plucker. He has been vet checked as healthy. He has a diet of pellets, nuts & seeds, fresh and dried vegetable and fruit. He is a great eater. He is a very nervous bird. I put his cage in a corner of the bird room. He shares this room with my 10 month old grey. It is a very quiet room as I live alone and he is very comfort there. I don't push him. He comes out of his cage when he wants, steps up when he wants and returns to his cage when he wants. He has stopped plucking. He has lived with me for about a month and a half. He has become more outgoing and now comes into my office on his own to sit on the back of my typing chair or he roams the house. The history I have on him is he was found in a public car wash and rescued by the local pet shop owner 8 years ago. He was been re-homed with 2 separate families over the years but always returned to the pet shop because he is a biter and a screamer. Sully no longer screams and no longer bites and no longer plucks. I didn't do anything but give him peace, quiet and a sense of security. Oh yeah, and a forever home!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/06/29 22:51

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thnks for the thought, I too have his cage corner of the the room but his brenches round the window areas he doesn't go in his cage he just pirch himshelf on the play area next to his cage during the daytime my bubby is working and so is my daugher so it is very quite at home and my back window that he likes to look out nothing but wood so there isn't anybody jump out of nowhere. and I had hime for 8 month now he talks he plays I can see his very happy but his nervious

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