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Hello Hanlie and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Assegaai.


What an unusual name, does it have a special meaning?


Have you had him since he was just weaned or did you wean him yourself? Do you have any other birds or parrots?


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Assegaai you would share with us we would appreciate it very much.

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Assegaai means 'spear' in Afrikaans. We didn't know whether he was a mamma-gaai or a pappa-gaai (papegaai is parrot in Afrikaans) se we decided he must be an assegaai! I got him from a friend who has a breeding pair, when he was 8 weeks old. I don't have any other birds, only a dog called Morsie (a Maun-pavement special) who treads very carefully when Assegaai is around, and has never tried to catch him if he flies to the ground, although Morsie will chase everything else on our plot like francolins and tree squirrels. I am still finding my way around this site and will post some pictures soon.

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Wow, what an amazing picture of Ecko! Thanks for the welcome.


Assegaai only calls Morsie (the dog) and then whistles like we do when we call her. It is amazing how Assegaai can say the "M" and the "o" so perfectly. I haven't really been concentrating on teaching him to talk - I love his parrot-babbling and whistling his own tunes. He lives in a big cage outside our study window and can come into the study when we have the window open, or otherwise he is with me or my husband, so I think he is so busy having fun, that he doesn't have a lot of time to spend on learning to talk.

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Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that I left my laptop computer open one day when leaving the study for a few minutes and when I got back, Assegaai had flown to my table and very happily destroyed the keyboard - there were keys lying all over the place! Now I have to use an external keyboard as some of the keys just never worked again. Assegaai looked very pleased, and no doubt, had great fun!

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Aw thank you Hanlie. :P


Haha oh dear! I bet he had so much fun tearing your keyboard up!! You can never leave them unattended for a minute or else something expensive will be destroyed lol! They always seem to get the most expensive things too haha. Ecko almost destroyed my laptop last night. Thank god I was right there but in one swipe he took off one of the keys to my laptop, I was able to put it back on wheeewwww that was close lol. Sorry to hear about yours though. :pinch:


I see you managed to get your avatar pic up, Assegaai is a beautiful Timneh.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/29 20:55

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OK, got it. That is his cage on the outside of the study. He sleeps inside on a platform on top of the cupboard in a wooden box which he is very attached to. When I had to take him to our research camp in the bush, I took his "bed" along and he was quite happy.

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Thank you! Assegaai's cage is nice and big with lots of space for him to play and explore. I put new Mopane or lemon tree branches in there from time to time. He loves being outside, but when he gets lonely, he comes inside and have a look at what we are up to or calls for a scratch session. I cannot remember how it was without him in our lives!

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