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Battle Cry!!


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Took Harvey to my parent's yesterday to see if he would warm to them. Took him in his carry cage in the car (fine), took him through their front door into the lounge (fine) and then he spotted my parents' four year old Weimaraner, Suzy (loveliest doggy in the world)!!


I was SO shocked to hear Harvey make a blood curdling noise which was a cross between a scream, a growl and a steam train! We removed him instantly from the situation.


We got him out of his carry cage (on his Aviator) in the garden and my parents came outside and this time he jumped onto them no bother, with no adverse effects from meeting Suzy. Considerig he's stopping there in a fortnight we thought we best take him in again!


Yet again, he let out this spine tingling noise - which I ignored this time and he stopped. Suzy wasn't bothered by him (she sat next to my dad no problems). After this I got Harvey out of his cage and he eyeballed Suzy a little, but didn't seem to mind her! So, after an hour he was happy with the dog and my folks (what a bonus eh?).


Has anyone ever heard this noise before - was it an "I am terrified" screech or "Hey mate - don't come near me". It was so disturbing!!

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yes this is a common noise they make in these situations. It's best to avoid a situation that makes them feel that they need to make that noise. Or as you did, remove him from the situation as soon as you see him making it. Then introduce him slowly and talk to him and reassure him everything is ok.

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Yes, Talon does that blood curdling scream as well. When I brought our new kitten home, she spent the first day dive bombing the poor thing and screaming at it in that God awful sound. She let that kitten know right off the bat whose house this really was....:evil:

She also makes that screaming sound when I get the long handled purple duster out of the broom closet to dust off the ceiling fans or the corners of the room. But she also flies at it as she screams! :evil: :blink:

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It's good to hear Harvey got over the terrible fear of your parents dog so fast and stopped screaming.


I hate it when Dayo screams like that, it absolutey sends chills down my spine and makes me jump if it comes without expectation, like carrying a hedge trimmer through the house right by him. :ohmy:


Those screams can be so loud it almost hurts your ears. :pinch:

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I've never heard a scream like that from my birds yet and I certainly hope I never do. Its sound absolutely heart stopping. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will never happen my birds live a fairly sheltered life except for maybe Adaya because she comes everywhere with me when I'm not working but I hope I never run into anything that frightens her that badly.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/30 00:11

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Jacko usually only growls really loud if something spooks him badly, grumbles a little if I have to do something to him he doesn't like (trim his nails etc.) the only time he'll ever make that screaming squawking noise if he's hurt/trapped (like when he tips something over on himself) etc or if he's playing this hideous game wherein he'll hang by one foot, grab the wing feathers of his other wing with beak & foot and proceed to pull/tug on them, then scream and wait for me to look. Little bugger :laugh:

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TinyTimneh wrote:

he's playing this hideous game wherein he'll hang by one foot, grab the wing feathers of his other wing with beak & foot and proceed to pull/tug on them, then scream and wait for me to look. Little bugger :laugh:


Hahahahahahahaha, I can mentally picture that!!


You MUST get a video of that for all to see!!! :-)

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Rexxy has that horrible scream to get you attention. He will play on his swinging hoop and act like his toe is caught in it and flap his wings violently and flies in a circle. I dont look and he just stops and looks out the window like nothing happened.

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Thank heavens for that (actually, that sounds quite selfish me being happy that others make the same noise!!). We have to get Harvey acquainted with Suzy again before next weekend (where poor Harvey is going to be sharing the house with Suzy). I'll let you know how it goes tho - thanx to everyone. Jill x {Feel-good-000200A2}


PS ~ TinyTimneh - I want to see that too - sounds soooo funny!!

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