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Cleaning and bathing


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After getting the idea from Danmcq(thanks :P ), I took Ecko's cage outside to clean it and I kept him inside the cage so he can get a bath too. Two jobs done in one! I scrubbed it with water and vinegar and hosed it down then I misted the water on Ecko and he was enjoying it. He was giving kisses and whistling while I cleaned. He also liked listening to all the wild birds and I think he felt safe being in his cage. I think it is very important for people to clean the cages and give their birds a bath, so thats why I'm posting this. ;)


I took all the toys out because I didn't want the dye from the colorful blocks to get all over Ecko.<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/29 03:23

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Oh great picture of Ecko and his bathing. Good to see he enjoyed it.


I also took our 2 out in their cage for a bath this weekend. Kea hates it as soon as I start misting her the little legs go into overdrive and she races from one end of the cage to the other. I stopped after I saw her getting stressed. Rangi loved it and was drenched.


dhorje yes I bath them under their wings. With Rangi I touch his wing and ask him to lift it and then I mist him under it when he lifts it. With kea it's a bit harder and I have to get her when she is in the bird bath with her wings lifted.

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dhorje wrote:

Do you guys bath your grey's under wing?


I usually take my fids in the shower and in there I can take their wings and pull them to the sides and let the water give them a good soaking under them. I am lucky though because I'm sure there are a lot of greys won't allow that.


I have taken them outside in their cages when I was cage cleaning and misted them, too.

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Great photos Caitlin!


It's good to hear Ecko enjoyed the bath and outside time.


I can't say the same for Dayo regarding the bath, he absolutely hates it and climbs all over his cage while it's happening. he normally just settles down in about 2 minutes, annoyed as hell and wait tell it's done. Then the Aloe mist bottle comes out and he gets drenched with it. He does not mind it so much, because I let him bite that evil nozzle while misting him.


I can not get under his wings, those things are shut tighter than a vise.

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Jane08 wrote:


dhorje yes I bath them under their wings. With Rangi I touch his wing and ask him to lift it and then I mist him under it when he lifts it. With kea it's a bit harder and I have to get her when she is in the bird bath with her wings lifted.


Wow! Great! Rangi knows how to lift his wings.


I have to lift my Grey's wings. She won't bite but make lots of noises to protest. It is not easy to wet it to the skin.

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