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What's The Most Expensive Item Your Grey Has Broke


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I will start this Tread off. Catherine and i bought a nice new 50" plasma screen TV only had it about 5 months and Guess which little flying horror landed on it and used it as a toilet. Bang!( -£1000 ) went our TV lucky Dusty wasnt hurt at all. So now i got some toys that Dusty dont like so there on top of the New 50" TV. As he hates these toys he wont go near the TV thank god and now uses his cage as toilet so problem just about sorted

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OMG are you serious? Did it blow? this is my biggest fear with my 50" plasma TV, Ecko lands on it a lot and that is a big no no!! We try to get him off as fast as we can so he doesn't poop on it since there is holes in the back of it but I'm scared one day we won't be able to get to him fast enough. Oh dear I am sorry to hear about this!


Luckily he hasn't broken anything too expensive YET, but for some reason he is drawn to my iPhone, my Macbook, and my boyfriends PS3! Everytime he sees those things he goes after it and gets so mad when I take them away from him.:evil:

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OMG! There are so many things....let's see, Laptop, ALL cords to the electronics, like 100 pair of ipod headphones, my Blackberry, my keyboard, the tops of the wooden doors in my house, many shower curtains, many broken dishes as Rikki LOVES to push them onto the ceramic tile floor and watch them smash! Dvd cases, and last but not least, Probably the most expensive.....the wooden window panes in my BRAND NEW HOUSE!!!!!!

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Shortly after I got my Laptop Tyco decided to take her morning dump on the keyboard. I tryed hard to clean it up as Quickly as possible but I guess it had gotten under the keys and when all was said and done 1/2 my key board no longer worked I was very embarassed to have to take it in and get it fixed with birdy poop between the keys but I did and the covered it under my warrenty with a little note on how to keep my computer clean LOL now as for my house if and when I get around to fixing everything they have chewed its going to cost a whole lot I have to replace my kitchen cupboards all the natural trim around 4 windows a couple pieces of crown molding shouldn't cost more than 10 to 15 thousand dollars.

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Tycos-mom, I am so happy to know that I will not be alone in trying to fix my house up one day. It's so hard to see the destruction they have done, but I wouldn't give them up, or their ability to fly around my house for anything.

You would think they are doing this out of boredom, but the truth is, when we go outside on the front porch, or the back deck, they want to come, so they fly to the window sill, and use the panes to hold onto while they watch us....:blink:

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Talon it comes with the territory If you want to keep birds as pets you have to decide weather of not your willing toput up with a little destrution bird love to chew its part of their nature and it doesn't matter how much wood you give them that they are allowed to have there is always something else that they prefer The Natural wood frames around my windows is one thing the love to chew they love to sit by the windows and watch the other birds and people walk by and the frames are just right there for the chewing. my cupboard got chewed because Fergie wanted to build her nest atop my cupboards and that wood was handy to build it with she's 12 yerars old and has her times when nature tells her to build and last time it was at the cost of my cupbards and a wall behind the cupboards that she chewed a huge hole in. I could have clipped her but I just couldn't bring myself to that I did end up giving her a minor trim she can still fly no problem just can't get as much height as she used to. If I didn't I wouldn't have a kitchen left.

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I have really lucked out with Schroeder, the worst thing he ever did was shave a little bit of plastic off of the outside of my laptop's power cord. He has been very good to not chew on anything that isnt his to destroy.....now for the gross bit.

We are bird people, you have been warned. Do not read if you are squeemish.


About 8 months ago, my husband and I bought a kobe beef tritip to celebrate something. it was an $80 piece of really nice meat. After taking it out of the oven and letting it cool for 15 minutes, Schroeder agreed with our decision that it was nice and flew over and landed on the meat. He chewed on it a bit, but we were not to be deterred. We ate it anyway and it was good. Don't ask me what we would have done if he had pooped on it.

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No doubt you would have cut the part that had the poop on it off and ate the rest, thats what I would have done, I can imagine we all have eaten worse, look what is allowed in the food we buy at the store.


Josey is a good girl and she doesn't chew on anything much except her own toys, she is well supervised and I don't let her near my cell phone, laptop or anything I don't want destroyed.

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I think I lucked out with Mischief, too. She's not a chewing machine. She hardly ever chews anything other than what I put in her cage. We have let her roam around the house since she became comfortable here, and so far so good. I'll come out sometimes to find her in the kitchen cabinets rummaging around, but not chewing! Good birdie! ;)

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My three are terrible and love to destroy things!


I think the most expensive must be the laptop and a close second will be the mobile phones!


They are so quick and you only have to turn your back for a minute!


I am just in the process of decorating as well as they all had a chew of the wallpaper and door casings:evil:

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Shirts, earrings, chewed the carpet off a corner by the steps. Doesn't look so bad. Carpet is just about the color of the wood. I have a dog that has done worse. Now, when I forget to take my earrings off, Tobie just flips them and yells "Quit that". He doesn't actually bite them anymore.

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Koko has yet to damage any expensive items in the house. This is what I call collateral damage if we own a grey. I think my house is going to collapse one day.




Telephone main cable.



Telephone wire.



Picture frame.



Kitchen cabinet.



Fridge top.



Handrail of staircase.



Staircase wooden step.



Window frame.<br><br>Post edited by: dhorje, at: 2009/06/30 10:10

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