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Think Before You Buy


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I know as a grey owner myself how exciting it can be to Purchase a Grey but Please think long and hard before you take the plunge as it aint all a bed of roses. Your home becomes there home so chewing sofas, wallpaper,doors and most of all pooping is all part of owning a grey. Having read adverts where greys are for sale mostly saying (through no fault of there own Grey for sale)I agree its not the Greys fault its the owners who are at fault for not weighing up the pros & cons that come with owning any bird So PLEASE make sure you are 100% certain this is what you want to do Greys live a long time they are Vet bills & home dammage its a big change so make the right decision & say to Yourself can I give 100% to this ;)

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Great post, Dave!! The first year I had AnnaBella, it was so life changing...I wondered if I did the right thing. It's a lot of work..everyday! It took about a year for me to get used to having her. Now I wouldn't trade her for anything. I think about her while I'm at work...I can't wait to get home to see her. I actually enjoy making sure she has a safe...fun...and interesting environment to live in. But, it did take a while for me to get used to it. Birds are not for everyone. I'm NOT a traveler...maybe a day trip here and there but for the most part, I like to be home....especially now because of AnnaBella. I love her to death.

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Good post. You do have to accept the negatives with the positives. The positives are soooo very positive though. I did some calculations and I decided that it takes about 400 bird poops to make one 50lb dog sized poop - and the 400 bird poops still smell better. Of course I'm not talking about morning bird poops.

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Owning a Large bird is not for everyone but if you have the time and lots of love then the joy they bring will definitely out weigh the bad that they do. You definitely can't be materialistic and own a parrot because all those beautiful things that you own probably won't be for long.

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Casper, you are so right, just last night, my mother and her husband stopped by unexpectedly for a visit. I said, "let's go sit in the living room" and when we did, there was bird poop all over the loveseat and sofa....:blink: I had to clean it off before they dared to sit. You should have seen their faces.....:S :unsure: :ohmy: :P Didn't phase me at all.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/06/30 20:19

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danmcq wrote:

LOL Casper - Your so right, oh here, let me remove the bird poop before you sit there... ;-)




That happened to me yesterday. I keep the couch covered with thermal blankets and tobie plays in the window and on the couch at night with me. My sister came by and it was "oops don't sit yet".<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/06/30 20:26

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Well said Dave.Charlie has done countless pounds worth of damage round the house and although I love him to bits and he is hear to stay, greys or any large bird are not for the house proud. I did a LOT of research before I got Charlie so had an idea what was to come, it is hard work.

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Janfromboone wrote:

I give up. How do you guys use the quote


Jan - Click after the {/quote], than hit the {Enter} key and start a new line. Then your comments will show up below the quote. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 20:44

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danmcq wrote:

Janfromboone wrote:
I give up. How do you guys use the quote


Jan - Click after the {/quote], than hit the {Enter} key and start a new line. Then your comments will show up below the quote. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/30 20:44


Thanks Dan-lets see if this works.

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