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Hey everyone!

My name is Jennifer, I am new on here! I don't have my CAG yet, he/she is still being weaned. I get to bring it home next month or the beginning of August. I am already impatiently waiting with my big, empty cage in my livingroom! lol I have owned a quaker parrot in the past, and currently have 2 rescued cockatiels that just came to me, but this is my first large parrot. I have a great avian vet already and am definitely planning to get the baby fully checked out as soon as I get it! I should also find out soon what the sex is so I can stop calling it an "it!"

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Definitely can't! I have wanted a grey all of my life (a whole 27 years! lol) so this is a big accomplishment for me! A big adjustment as well since I have 2 new cockatiels and a 7 year old dog at home! The dog tries to interact with the tiels so I am hoping he will become good friends with the grey as well. The tiels aren't tame yet, so it's hard for my dog to become close to them. If anyone has any tips for me, I am worried a little about socializing. I live alone and don't have many friends. I rarely have visitors to the house and when I do they aren't bird lovers like me and probably won't interact with them. I am also concerned when my dad comes to visit since the cage is out in the living room, where my dad will sleep. He hates birds! The cage is too big to fit through my bedroom door, so I can't move the grey temporarily. Would it be ok for me to get a small cage or a play stand for him to sleep in/on sometimes? I also need to find a way to move him into my room on pest control days since my apartment has the pest control people come once a month to spray indoors.

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luvparrots wrote:

Hi Jennifer, what a great introduction! Can't wait to hear more about your baby CAG and see some pictures if you have any to share! Welcome to the family!!

I get to meet the baby on Monday, so I will definitely have some pics to share!

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Welcome Jennifer and Congratulations on getting your new Grey soon!!


Yes, a smaller sleep cage for your Grey in your bedroom when your father or other visitors come over is fine and will keep the peace nicely.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hi Jennifer, welcome to the forum! Congrats on finding your new baby! I bet you are soo excited to bring him/her home! It's going to seem like forever until you can take your baby home but the wait is so worth it. Have you thought of any names yet? I look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey. Can't wait to see those pictures too. ;)

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Welcome Jennifer since nobody else mentioned this I will. When the pest control people come you will have to get your bird compleatley out of the apartment any fumes at all could be fatal. Their respitory systems are way different than ours and way more sensitive that why they uses birds in mines to detect gas because a bird will die very quickly to any gases that might be there. Get yourself a nice travel cage that way you can get the bird out of the apartment when nessesary and you can also use it as a sleep cage fore your bird when your Dad comes to stay.

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I was originally planning to put the bird in my room and put a towel under the door (they don't spray the bedrooms) but I ca;;ed the pest control company today to find out what checmical they use to spray with and he said it changes all the time. I'm not taking any chances, so I called a friend and she said I am welcome to take my grey to her shop when they spray and she will take care of him for the day.

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It would probably be best to remove your grey from the premises when they do the spraying but it will have to air out completely before you can bring it back and that may take a day or two or longer as I don't know much about this and it would depend on what chemical they use. You might be best advised to ask your avian vet about all this, you don't want to take any chances and they are more sensitive to odors and chemicals than we are.

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I tried to call the vet today, but caught them during their lunch hour, so I will have to call them again tomorrow. My tiels were ok the first time they sprayed. I kept them in my room with the towel under the door and they were fine, but again, better safe than sorry!

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Hi Jennifer, welcome to the group! I am a new member also. I am anxiously waiting for my baby grey, it is only about 1 mo. old now & SO sweet! I am hoping to see it again this weekend & get some pic's. I have chosen the name Biscotti, hopefully it will fit it's personality!

I have a similar living situation to you, I live alone & most friends don't get the love of birds thing- oh well, they don't know what they're missing! I plan to take my baby out alot to get it socialized, picked up a nice Cellti birdy backback/carrier.

I currently have a sun conure, who is a total clown, 2 dogs & lots of large animals ( horses & cows ) who don't get to share the house! :) Looking forward to sharing & hearing how it goes with your baby, ours will be fairly close in age. I know how excited you are!!



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