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Mischief's Anniversary


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This was a big month for Mischief! We adopted her in June 2008, so this is her 1 year anniversary with us. She also turned 9 sometime this month (not sure of the actual hatch date). So, to celebrate, I got her a basket of treasures from the bird store yesterday. I actually got the idea from seeing photos on this forum. She didn't really touch them yesterday, but when I woke up this morning they were scattered all over the floor of her cage. So, I gathered them back up, and within an hour she was playing with them again. :)


She has brought tons of joy and excitement into our lives. Happy hatch month/anniversary Mischief!




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happy gotcha day and hatch day mischief I just know your going to have a ton of fun with you new basket of toys that one toy with the ball in it that rocks and rolls around is one of Tyco's favorite foot toys I'm always getting her new ones because she pulls the ball out then breaks them in half oh well I don't mind as long as she has fun.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/27 21:34

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