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Toys and phobias


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Well, about a month ago, I bought Shanti a wooden ladder toy that he's terrified of.


This week I got him a great boing. Even though I tried to introduce it more slowly, he flipped out even more over the boing than the ladder. He actually had a growling fit with the boing, something I hadn't seen or heard since the first day I got him in December.


I think it's a size issue. The bigger the toy the more he thinks it's a dangerous owl or hawk.


Anyway, I'm looking for tips on how to get him to accept the gifts and enjoy them.


Thanks for your thoughts,

David<br><br>Post edited by: DavidH, at: 2009/06/26 21:39

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You have to put them in the room with them, maybe all the way across to the other side and gradually over a period of days or even weeks if necessary bring it closer and closer until he is used to it being next to him. My Josey is just about the same way, I got her a new playstand a week ago and she was having none of it but now she will at least stand on it, with more time she will be more comfortable on it to play with the toys hanging on it.


When they growl like that it means it is too close so take it away far enough so that they are no longer mad at it and then move it.

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Also try playing with the ladder in your hands yourself sometimes when you're sitting near the cage doing something else. I had gotten Chimay a foraging box that he was afraid of (NO idea why b/c he jumped on his GIGANTIC atom as soon as it came out of the box :S), so it spent some time on the chair next to his cage. When I would take him out for playtop time or time on his Atom, I'd just kind of casually fiddle with it in my hands while watching tv or whatever. Eventually we worked our way up to putting it in the cage. Come to think of it, today was his first day with it inside of his cage! Ha ha... It took him about a week to be comfortable enought to beak and poke at it.

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I useually allow the birds to decide when the time is right. I hang it up where I's going to stay and it stays there usually untouched for a couple days then they get curious and go check it out. I don't make a big deal about it or try to force them I just hang it and let them decide. I find that the birds learn to have more confidence that way if you try to force them to play on it at first they will be even more afraid of it. Don't even try to introduce the toy to them they do much better finding out for themselves what is dangerous and what is not

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It took two months for me to get Dorian to go near his boing. Started out across the room, I'd sit on the floor and kind of roll it around, never too close to the cage. Gradually got it lying on the floor next to his cage. Then I started attaching it to the outside of his cage, gradually moving it higher and higher, and I mean gradually! At minimum I had to leave it in the same position for 3 or 4 days before moving it up a few inches. I finally got it up high enough that it cleared the floor. Once he had beaked it from inside, he got brave enough to explore it outside. The day I saw him sitting on it I knew it was time to hang it from the ceiling. What also helped was Dorian is bell crazy, so I took the bell that came with it off and replaced it with a loud, clear, cow bell. He couldn't resist! Now he loves it, the silly creature:silly: He's def. in the timid category, but when I think back to how he was when I brought him home 20 months ago, he's come leaps and bounds!

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