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I am new to the forum. I have an 11 week old Congo Grey that my husband surprised me with on Mother's Day. He was about 5 weeks old. (I hand raised an Amazon who recently died after 30 years)


My bird is now going 'crazy'. I have never experience a bird like this. He is happy, active and eats alot. He has now learned to fly, (getting wings clipped this weekend), and is not content to stay in one place. Wants out of his cage at the slightest indication that someone is awake and around the house somewhere. When put on his playground, he plays with each toy, climbs to the top, back down and then flys off to the coffee table or couch or floor. He runs under the couch making his little cooing sounds and investigates everything in the room (while I'm trying to catch up to him to put him back on his playground).


Besides my husband and I we have two daughters who just graduated from college and there is almost always someone around. He is handled by everyone and has no problem. He cuddles and coos and snuggles on whoever's chest while we're reading and falls asleep.


A problem I have is that he climbs up to the top of his cage, gets himself twisted around with beak and feet spread out and can't seem to get down and 'crys' until someone rescues him. The cage has large bars and I wonder if I should add a smaller grate to make it easier for him to 'climb'?


Thanks for advise.... Grey's are a whole different type of bird!



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Hello Diane and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, btw what is his name?


You seem to have quite a little stinker there and a smart one at that, he knows how to get the attention and uses it to his full advantage. He wants to explore his new world and all it has to offer but it can get him into trouble before you can spit.


What do you do when he "cries" for your help? Of course you come running, he has already figured out that and is using it to get attention, if you are sure he is not indeed tangled then you are going to have to ignore this or he will have you running for the rest of your life.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see some pictures of him if you have any you would share with us.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

As a more seenur member of our bird family I would like to extend a warm welcome to R luvnezt.

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Hello Diane and welcome to the forum! Congrats on your new baby! What a wonderful mothers day gift, that is so sweet of your hubby. I'm sorry to hear about your Amazon though, that is so sad I bet it was so hard to lose him after 30 years, wow I just couldn't even imagine. But yes these bird are very active little babies. I have a very hyperactive baby myself. He loves to fly all over the place and get into all kinds of trouble! I wouldn't worry too much about the baby getting stuck in the cage, they have to learn how to climb somehow. The best way is to ignore it and have him learn himself. It is very nerve racking to watch, I was paranoid about that too but they eventually get the hang of it. Anyways its nice to have you hear, I hope you enjoy the site. I hope to see some pictures of your baby too, we LOVE pics here. ;)

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Welcome Diane!!


It's GreYt having you here. Many greys flip themselves around in the top of their cage as you describe. It looks very odd doesn't it. :-) As Judy said, they can get out of this position anytime they please.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Judy,

Thanks for responding,I have taken your advise and have learned to ignore his cry for rescue and he has, in fact, stopped doing it and gets himself back down with no problem.


By the way, his name is Zazu Data. Zazu from The Lion King character of assistant to the King, and my husband likes Data since his eyes will eventually look like the Star Trek character Data.


His cage is my old Amazon's cage, who was a bit smaller then him. The bars are 1 1/4" apart and it's a really big and beautiful iron cage, I would hate to have to replace. I thought about adding a smaller wire grate, particularly on the side he seems to try to escape from, (near where the family sits and hangs) where he climbs on his food dish.



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Hi Cait


Thanks for the reply. Zazu is becoming an expert manipulator at this point. I appreciate your advice and he has backed off a little since I have.


I'm concerned about the flying. He as already once glided into a glass door and I am hoping to get my

breeder to trim his wing today. I guess he will learn his new limitations once he's trimmed? How far do they go once they're trimmed. Is it true they still glide from place to place but just can't get any lift?


We have alot of large windows and I'm afraid of him hurting himself.



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