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Quiet bird??


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My grey is 6 years old and never shuts up! :laugh:


But the past couple of days he has been really quiet only making very soft sounds and also keeps making a noise like a baby ('oooo' well something like that :P)

He seems happy, eats well, plays with me and looks fine too.


I'm a little concerned because he's never been like that before.

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Ok then it couldn't be being egg bound.


Have you had him all those 6 years? He may have decided to shut up for a while but it doesn't sound like he may be sick for he wouldn't be eating much.


To tell you the truth his hormones may be playing a factor, does he hold his wings slightly lower than normal and does he reguritate for you?

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Then there you have it, he is in love with you, now the important thing is when he is like this do not pet him down his back, under his wings or anywhere around the tail as that will only frustrate him further. So there is nothing wrong with your grey, he is just doing what nature tells him to.

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He should be going to the Vet next weekend so it might be a bit of a late update.


Today he was fighting with his toy like he does. While doing that he was shouting how all greys do but I noticed it was quieter and bit crustier (couldn't think of the right word :lol: ) Could he have something like a sore throat? if there is such a thing for birds

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Whisper will have a quiet day every now and then but if she had 3 quiet days in a row I would have her to the vet asap. I am a worry wart birdie mom. Birds hide their illness very well including continuing to appear to eat until it is too late. Is there any way you could get him in sooner?

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I'm a big worrier also when it comes to my birds Tyco's wings where hanging a bit lower than useual and I raced her in to the vet. but I figure better safe then sorry. I hope everything is ok with your bird hopefully he's and just having a quiet day

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rac3r is there anyway he could have gotten something caught in his throat. Have you checked his toys to see if they are all intact or anything else he could have gotten into? If you could get him to the vet sooner it could easy your mind. I hope he is all right.

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New things I've noticed:


When he is resting (fluffed and on one leg) he seems to leave his beak a little open and breathes out heavy, if you are close enough you can hear it as well. When you go close/ when he is not resting, just playing or something he breathes normally but seems to lick the inside of his beak a lot like he is eating something. :S


All I know is that I need to get him to the vet ASAP. Problem is that when I rang them to ask if they did check ups on african greys they said yes and then at the end of the conversation she asked me what an african grey was! (This is a well known vet called Hamilton but i'm not sure what they are like with birds)


EDIT: I forgot to mention that the heavy breathing thing I said is not all the time, only sometimes<br><br>Post edited by: rac3r, at: 2009/06/29 18:16

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Oh dear! How do they not know what an african grey is?! Are they a certified avain vet? I would look for another vet if I were you. But the breathing problems could be a huge sign of illness, I would get to one ASAP. Please let us know what happens.

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