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buying a grey


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i am convinced by everyones passion of greys to get one, but when i price them in stores they are from $1200 to $1500. i am not prepared to pay such a high price for a bird even tho i know he/she will be with me for years. you have to consider the cage and toys and it comes to just under $2000. i would love to have a baby grey, but cant afford the prices in pet shops. does anyone have any advice

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^^ exactly, the stores just mark them up.


Another solution is to adopt an older grey. I adopted Gina at 16 months old, and her cage, for $500. You can usually find them for $700 or so.<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/07/05 00:42

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I don't know where you are located, but search the internet for breeders or even a local bird club who may be able to put you in touch with an avordable grey. I paid $900 for mine and I am sure you can find one around that price range. Depending on where you are one of the members here may know of some.

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i am in the ny area. actually tri state would describe it better. i am dying for a new bird, but like i said, i am not rich and with the cost of a cage and toys for a larger bird than i have (i have a quaker) i just cant see it happening right now. cant wait til i can afford one!

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CD is CeasarsDad and he is an admin here, he is not on now but maybe later, he never goes too long a period that he does not check in. Send him a pm if you want and as soon as he gets on he will contact you. He is very helpful to all of us here and we love him for it at least I do, but then I knew him from a previous forum.

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Hi Francine, and welcome! Dan is right, you can narrow your search down by state. I have found there tend to be a lot of breeders on FL. You can have a bird shipped to NY for about $100. Something to consider.....:huh:

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I wish you were closer to me, I could use some help sometimes with the computer, I am not as literate with it as the younger ones are today who grew up with them so they are like second nature. I had to learn about it later in life and I find that the more I know the more I know I don't know, does that make any sense to you?

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Yes, it makes perfect sense.


The more we learn, the more we realize how little we truly know.


The young did cut their teeth on technology, but only at a surface, need to know level. They don't know, how much they don't know...:laugh:


Anytime you need help, just PM me and I'll be happy to help.

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Thanks, I might have to take you up on that. It is so funny, I remember years ago our first computer was one that operated off of the old DOS system and my daughter would come to the house and tell me if I had windows I could get around better on it. I thought she was crazy, windows, what is windows, I hadn't a clue but I know now. I think my 7 year old grandson can do more on the computer than I can, he used to download all kinds of games on mine even when he was only 4 or 5, picks things up like that easy. He may become some kind of computer geek too, he loves them.

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Talon - No, our 2 Son's are both adults that have fledged.......but, they still don't know how much they don't know :-)


Judygram - Yes, I remember DOS well. You were an early adapter to the concept of a PC in every home vision that IBM initiated. Then Bill Gates came into the picture and look where we are now :-)

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