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Spock's back tricks


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:)For the last couple of weeks Maggie has been playing with Spock, flipping him on hid back and saying "Wheeeee"

When Spock plays on his atom he likes to hang up-side down, so last night when I went to put him to bed, he "Steped-up" and rolled over on to his back and hung by 1 leg lol... he rolledback up after praising him and I put him to bed...

This morning after eating, Spock layed on the floor of his cage on his back, under his perch holding on to it, and played with his hanging toys, growling.:evil: roflol... Now he rolls over on command.(kinda):laugh: :laugh: I'll try to get some photos..Picture13b043.jpg

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;) I wrote this post with you in mind.. Spocks wild...Maggie would perch him on her finger and place her hand on his back lightly, then roll him backwards, he'd grip her finger with his beak, kinda hard..Then she would roll him up-right saying Wheeeee... .We're lucky,he will let us touch him any where. Spock still doesn't talk:laugh:
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My Adaya is the same age as spock and she just loves to play on her back she lays like a baby in my arms and cuddles and I can hold her any way I want to we a very close relationship maybe its because I've had her since she was 5 weeks old I don't know but I do know she trusts me with her life. she we do recall practice every day and I'm teaching her how to pick things up and put them in a cup. By far her very favorite game is to lay on her back a wrestle with my hands its so much fum maybe you've seen the video of her playing on her back. its fun to have them playing on their backs and likeing it isn't it. It doesn't take very long for them to learn and once they do they can't get enough of it. Adaya will hang onto my hair and roll over onto her back when shes on my shoulder it looks really funny to see a bird laying on a shoulder but she likes it she's so silly it sounds to me like Spock is going to be the same way pretty soon. Your going to just love it. be ready to catch him when he decide's to roll off your shoulder whenyou least expect it LOL

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Awww, that is so sweet. :-)


Dayo loves to flip over on his back a s well on the hand just when he's relaxing with us in the evening.


It all started as you describe, turning him upside down using two hands and then just letting him lay upside down until he decided it was time to right side up himself.

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