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random question/lovely moment

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

ok, the random q.. what colour is your greys tongue, black or pink?


as for the lovely moment i just really wanted to share. brian has been giving off "im a big boy now" vibes for the last couple of weeks, he's been more independant and has only appreciated neck tickles. well tonight he came and sat on my (ahem) "chest" and got all snuggled in with his beak nuzzled on my face and let me touch and stroke him all over. i was talking to him all gently, his little eyes were all sleepy and he was making adorable little cooing and whistling sounds. we sat like this for a good 45 mins... then he had a preen and flew off LOL. it's just nice to know that every now and then he might still need his mummy :laugh:


as i said, just wanted to share one of those beautiful moments

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Guest Lidia

That's just adorable, makes me go aaaaaaah. Joshua is on my shoulder as I type this and he's blowing big smoochy kisses and yawning. It's lovely that he's choosing to sit with you, that makes it even more special.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, thats so sweet, Josey will come to me usually at night before bed and sit on my chest and lay her head down and I will stroke her all over. Its these kind of moments that are so precious to us and I am glad you shared yours with us.

Oh and by the way for the original question, Josey's tongue is black.:ohmy:

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Guest briansmum

yes, that is what touched me, the fact that he chose to come to me. thanks for your reply, its nice to hear your big grown guy still loves his mummy too :)

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Guest briansmum

sorry judy i was posting when you were. again it's lovely to hear they dont all grow out of it, thanks.


and thanks for answering the tongue question too...

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Thats like when I'm holding my baby and he stuffs his head into my shirt an then makes little baby chirps but they radiate the sound of complete happiness....:blush: Aaannnnd then he takes a big poop on my shirt. Sweet. Awesome. I love the poop. MmmmMmm poop!~! lol. My friends look at me like, aww gross, it pooed on you.. right on your shoulder. None of them understand why but it doesnt even phase me.


It's a bird people thing only we can understand. Your in the yard and you step in your loving doggies little pile of lawn fertilizer and you're furious. Then you come inside and your parrot leaves a nice one on your shoulder, nope, it's alright. Change this shirt, it's all good.:side:


Mirek's tounge is black with stripes of pink and white but it's mostly black.

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Guest briansmum

yes very much so. i knew a grey was the one for me but i couldn't have imagined i would fall half as in love with him as i have done

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Guest briansmum

oooh yay geoff, your birdie has some pink too.. i was just wondering as brians is mostly pink with black underneath. people talk about redfactor greys... well i think i have a pink factor grey, he has a pink toenail and a pink tongue lol. i was just curious if anyone else had?

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Guest briansmum

i think i've asked about the toenail before, but it was a while ago. this is the best pic i have of it

brian002.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/05 13:59


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Thats ok, it gives us a better view of that pink nail. All Josey's nails are black but with one pink one you can identify it if it was with a bunch of greys. Thanks for posting that pic, he looks like he is enjoying his meal.:cheer:

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Guest briansmum

judy thats exactly what my breeder told me, that it was just a special mark. i was the first to reserve a baby from him and kept emailing asking about him, so the baby with the special white toenail was reserved for me from being a few weeks old.. and he certainly is my special baby {Feel-good-00020114}

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hveusnthbrige wrote:

Your in the yard and you step in your loving doggies little pile of lawn fertilizer and you're furious. Then you come inside and your parrot leaves a nice one on your shoulder, nope, it's alright. Change this shirt, it's all good.:side:


Oh, you noticed that too.. :P :P :P :P

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Thats right Geoff, it all comes out in the wash, I have a bunch of T-shirts that are birdy shirts and they are chewed up, that I wear for everday. Most people don't understand but you have to love your bird and anyways it does not stink like the doggy stuff, whew that would not be pleasant.:pinch:

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Guest briansmum

thanks for answering my question CD, im just curious, also thanks so much for resizing my pic, and i love that it says his name on now :) THANKYOU!!

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