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What do I do now?


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Apparently Gracie flying yesterday made Dixie interested in doing so, even though she's clipped. Unfortunately, she came that way.


Today, Dixie has taken to jumping off her cage porch and landing unGRACEfully on the floor. So far she's done this three times. The floor is carpeted, and she's not hurt herself. Each time, walking over to me to be picked up. I talk to her, we cuddle a little and then she leans to her window perch and off we go to that. I hate leaving her on the window perch for more than 45 minutes or so for fear she may get hungry or thirsty and neither of the two window perches can accomodate water.


Well now she has decided to jump off her swing and walk over to her cage (a ladder is there for her to climb back up). Is this normal??? Is she expressing her independence??? She's only 16 months old, and I know someone in this forum has some experience with this.





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Hi Robin, my Ana Grey is 10-months old and she has been gliding down to the floor and walking back and forth to her cage ever since she has been my companion, since she was 3 1/2 months old. She was clipped by her breeder before she was mine. She climbs up on her little Atom, window perch, and a cargo net as she pleases, they all have ladders or ropes hanging on them for her pleasure. She always walks around after me and climbs on my feet to be picked up. So yes, all is normal, little Dixie is just gaining her independence.

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Thanks Luv, I was worried that it was a balance problem or something like that. It scares me when she does that, especially after reading some of the other posts about them jumping off and possibly hurting themselves.


I've tried to make sure there are plenty of ladders, ropes, etc. for her to get back up when she does jump off.



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AS long as she can flap down to lessen the impact and lands on a carpeted area, she's fine.


It's great to hear she became inspired by Gracie's flying about.


If she keeps flapping those clipped wings and building muscle, you will be surprised at how she may eventually be able to maintain flight for longer and longer distances. :-)

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Dixie has continued her jumping off antic's and seems to enjoy the freedom she's learned. She is a little more graceful today than yesterday and is "gliding" somewhat down to the floor. She seem to like to do this if I walk out of the room for a soda or more coffe, like she wants to come with me.


I left the baby gate open today and found her at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me to get back with my coffee. I watched her follow me into my office and back to my desk where she quietly picked up one foot...like ok, I've walked this far, pick me up! I put her on her swing and she was content there for about 45 minutes and she jumped again. Walked over to her cage and up the ladder to it. She was hungry!


Thanks for all the advice, I can't wait for those flight feathrs, that way she can go where ever she wants.




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