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Hello from Beaker, Clyde and Bonnie

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Hi All,

Introducing myself (Dave) and my trio of CAGs;


Beaker is my male 17 year congo that's been my friend since I started hand feeding at 6 weeks. Beaker enjoys camping, working in the garden, and talking, talking, talking. Beaker's head shot is my site avatar.


Bonnie and Clyde are my 12 year old bonded pair. Unfortunately, they don't have too much time for their people family, but we enjoy watching their antics.


The site looks like a great resource and sharing spot. I'm looking forward to participating with all of you.



aka "Spinner"

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Hi Dave and welcome to the forum! Wow what a nice flock you have there. Beaker sounds very smart and he is very handsome in that picture. Do Bonnie and Clyde mate? I look forward to hearing more about you and your flock. Enjoy the site. :)

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Hello Dave and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Beaker, Bonnie and Clyde.


Wow what a trio of greys and I am sure it keeps you busy but it is never a dull moment but they are so endearing you have to love them to death.


Beaker looks like a handsome fella from your avatar but be sure to share some more pics with us if you have them as we love pics here.

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Hiya Dave and welcome to the forum.


I also have a trio of greys. Two of mine are bonded and the youngest sometimes feels a little left out.


They are the loves of my life:)


Mine all have seperate cages but share their out time together. Do your bonded two share the same cage?


Cant wait to share stories and experiences about our greys. Hope you enjoy the forum:)

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Welcome Dave, Beaker, Bonnie and Clyde!!


I'll bet you have a ton of adventures and stories from those 17 years of enjoying Beaker and also a lot of experience in breeding and raising baby Greys.


Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing some more photos.


I would also be interested in seeing your site as well. :-)

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