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Pictures of Mirek


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So here's my baby as of this afternoon on July 4th as I promised I would post pics of. I was unable to weigh as he isnt quite willing to balance on a perch yet but I think it's a safe bet to guess at 400 grams. He's a big fatty haha he feels like a good solid pound of gold. Mark, the breeder tells me he would bet money on him coming home in 2 weeks.







Mirek is on the right in the cage picture.


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Guest briansmum

oh geoff he is GOREOUS! you must be such a proud daddy ;) he's sooo adorable. thank you SO much for sharing these pictures and i hope you are enjoying every second of these precious moments.

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Geoff, he's adorable. A real cutie. Thank you for sharing :)


Isn't 11 weeks too young to bring a Grey home yet, though?

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I thought so. 11 weeks is quite young in my opinion. But like the breeder says, the bird is fully feathered, he eats on his own(not yet but he will very shortly), he perches, the future owner.. me, came and visited him twice a week since he was 4-5 weeks old so he knows someone already. I guess theres no reason why not. He's successfully bred and homed about 100 Greys not to mention the thousands of other birds so I think he knows his stuff. If he says he can come home then I feel I can trust him. Plus in visiting the shop probably 30 times I've got to know him through listening to other customers. He seems to turn more people away then he sells to so I feel okay with it.


I think I'm going to have to put some foam on the bottom of the cage for a week or so due to him being so young and clumsy. Or reduce the size of the cage is an option too. I could weld up a grate simple enough.


Also, for the growth of him its in my profile page. All the pictures are dated so its obvious how he's coming along.<br><br>Post edited by: hveusnthbrige, at: 2007/07/06 01:04

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Guest briansmum

keep his main perch and some toys low down so he has somewhere safe to play and sleep, and before you know it he'll be swinging about at the top of his cage.. well not quite, but he'll certainly climb up there quick. then you can move the perch and toys up. that's what i did with brian. i'd be careful about putting foam or something in, if he takes a sneaky nibble when you're not looking you could end up with a poorly parrot

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Just lay some old towels on the bottom of the cage to be a cushion for a fall. But soon he will be all over the cage so won't need that anymore.

I like the sound of your breeder, turning away potential customers is a good sign, means he is more interested in the welfare of the birds and not the money in his pocket, wish more people were like that. If he thinks you will be ok with him then he knows his stuff and you must be proud that he trusts you enough to let you have him early. Good luck to you and your new baby and I look forward to hearing more about him and more pictures of his progress.:)

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Ya towels are a good plan; I was thinking about foam being eaten.. lol:S .


Yes Judy, he's a good guy. He tells so many stories. 2 weeks ago he told of a guy looking to buy 2 ringneck doves, I cant quite remember the specific name, but the guy wanted to release them at a wedding. Just like in the movies! We all then took bets on how long these handfeds would last before either, not finding food and starving, eaten by a predator, hit by a car, flying into something. Worst case they survive and then the southern ontario canadian winter arrives and then he described how a bird freezes to death.


He turned away the chance to sell very unlikely and hard to sell birds. Very good of him! He's also on the board of directors of the local parrot clubs. He's consistently a judge at parrot behaviour contests and also simple avian beauty contests as I like to call them.

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Haha Judy, yes its truly amazing how the Greys can portray their emotions with simple body language. It's one thing they need not ever be taught. Even the younglings do it flawlessly as if they've had years of training and experience. Mirek will go from happy playing with a toy to down right terrified in an instant and its deadly obvious.


So far my favourite is self defense. I was holding him one day and I picked up a package for a harness to look at, which I bought, and he got up an stuck his head right out at the package and mantled out his wings while growling the most evil sound with nasty beak posture. He tried his best to attack that plastic package but I decided not to stress him out and took it out of his view. Even now I think about him doing that and can hear that growling sound in my mind. I am going to make it a point to stay in this birds good books. lol:laugh:

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hveusnthbrige wrote:

I thought so. 11 weeks is quite young in my opinion. But like the breeder says, the bird is fully feathered, he eats on his own(not yet but he will very shortly), he perches, the future owner.. me, came and visited him twice a week since he was 4-5 weeks old so he knows someone already. I guess theres no reason why not. He's successfully bred and homed about 100 Greys not to mention the thousands of other birds so I think he knows his stuff. If he says he can come home then I feel I can trust him. Plus in visiting the shop probably 30 times I've got to know him through listening to other customers. He seems to turn more people away then he sells to so I feel okay with it.


I think I'm going to have to put some foam on the bottom of the cage for a week or so due to him being so young and clumsy. Or reduce the size of the cage is an option too. I could weld up a grate simple enough.


Also, for the growth of him its in my profile page. All the pictures are dated so its obvious how he's coming along.<br><br>Post edited by: hveusnthbrige, at: 2007/07/06 01:04


Alright Geof, obviously your breeder knows wayyyyy better than me, having only reading experience about greys ;)


The old towel solution looks good to me.

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