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It's official. Schroeder is 2


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Schroeder entered his terrible 2s today, I find it kinda fitting that he did it on his second hatchday (Happy hatchday SchroedE Muffins). At bedtime he flat out refused to be tucked in and flew across the room several times, laughing at me when he landed. He ran around yelling "no no no no no" as I tried to catch him. I had to towel him to get him in the cage and when I got him in there he said, "rats!" He settled down quickly, but as soon as I turned the lights off he started talking and vocalizing and playing with his toys in the dark. It is now 2 hours since I tucked the little twerp in and he is still at it. When I turned the light on earlier to go calm him down, I was amused and annoyed to see him swinging upside down in his cage. He looked over and in a very annoyed voice said "what? what? what?" (I say that to them a lot when they are being loud when I am trying to work). Just think, he only started talking a few weeks ago and now he is talking back in context and being a defiant stinker. This is going to be a looooooooooooong ride.

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What a laugh no no no no, it must sound so funny and you must have a hard time trying not to laugh.


We have one in the terrible 2's and the other one is nearly there. To be honest they haven't changed at all just the usual trying stuff on which they have done ever since we got them.

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Thanks for the laugh happy hatchday Schroeder I know it probubly wasn't fun for you chaseing him around trying to put him to bed but It sounds like he was haveing a very fun time playing with his mom I think thats so sweet how on earth did you keep from laughing.:laugh:

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You know, it's really easy not to laugh after you whack your toes against the kitchen table diving to keep the bird from crashing into the wall.....But yes, he is too smart for my own good and a very happy, albeit spoiled boy. I may have to invest in a plastic bubble to keep him in if this keeps up. This morning he seems a bit tired.

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He has been a sneaky little plucker today. He keeps ambushing Buddy and stealing his feathers. He has never done that before. Schroeder is spending the next 15 min in birdy jail and Buddy is helping me eat some fruit salad. *sigh* I thought I had tuckered Schroed out by taking him flying in his harness today....seems he was only worn out for an hour. After a small nap and snack he was at it again... A true toddler

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