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Emma having a grand old time!


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Here she is being very VOCAL and physical while playing. The orange toy with the leather strands is one of her favourite toys. I let her choose this toy herself when we went shopping and true enough it was a great purchase. She beats it, gives it kisses and tells it that she loves it all the time. {Feel-good-00020114} Sometimes I get the impression that she thinks she's all THAT.


For some reason I always thought that african greys were more introverted and shy. I'm pretty reserved myself so I don't really know how Emma came to be such a "girls just wanna have fun" type of bird.




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Thank you everyone! She certainly is the little entertainer. Glad you enjoyed her too.{Feel-good-00020114}


I always imagined or assumed that african greys were more reserved and stoic. I really did not expect Emma to be such and extrovert but I'm really glad it worked out this way.

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