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Head fling - Video ADDED!


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Rhett sometimes tosses his head, like a quick "no" head flick. Sometimes he does it when I ask him something or just talking to him....usually when he is winding down and not being super chatty.


Am I silly to think he is saying no? As though he doesn't want to be bothered? :lol:


What do you guys think of the head toss? What does it mean?


By the way, I posted before that he was chewing his feathers. After adding a foraging wheel and some new toys, he has tons of fresh shoots growing in - and no more feather chewing. :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Dana, at: 2009/06/25 03:31

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Is this a sometimes thing or a continuous thing if it just sometimes it could be the pitch or the sound he's hearing sometimes Tyco will do that to certain sound on to tv or radio. she actualy does it quite often if I watching a video of other birds talking or if I'm whistleing a song to her. or it could be all those new feathers coming and they're bothering her. and if thats the case a few nice soaking in the shower will help soften them up so the don't hurt and itch to much.

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Our senegal, Buddy, does that when we talk to hmi and our faces are w/in 4 inches of his. If he didn't do this to everyone all the time, Id think I had bad breath. Now I just think he is a spaz. I will follow this thread closley and see if anyone has an answer to the question. I doubt it's an ear infection in his case as I know the woman that hatched Buddy and she told me that he has done that his whole life. His previous owners noticed it too. I hope Rhett is healthy too. It might be that our fids are just spazzy.

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Okay, I apologize in advance for my annoying voice!! First you will see my Eclectus AppleJax and then Rhett. When I being my phone/camera near Rhett, he always stops what he is doing and looks. Anyhow, I ask him a question and he does ONE head flick in response. He's always done it.


He doesn't have anything in his ear. It's always a response when I talk to him and he is busy preening or settling down, on one foot, yawning, etc. I got lucky and was able to record it. He is usually much more interested in what I am doing.


So, have a look! It's pretty short.



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I'm sorry Dana but I watched it twice and could not see a head shake. It is too far away. maybe someone with better eyes than me will chime in. Great looking Ekkie. Glad to hear that the feather destruction has stopped.

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All I could catch was one, but he usually does it several times when I talk to him. If he saw the camera phone, he gets more interested in that...anyhow, I know it was fast, but I am glad someone saw it. He is such a silly monkey!!

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Josey will do a headshake sometimes but it has nothing to do with saying no, its just something she does occasionally and it usually is several times in succession, maybe she feels like she has a feather out of place on her head and that shake straightens it out, who knows.

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