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Sun-ny Days Photos


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:) Thank you! The one with the wings open is Skittles. He had just landed. Starburst has more green and a green and yellow head. Spock and the two suns get along just fantastic. They all love the atom (at the same time LOL:laugh: )

They are eating great too, better than us at times :woohoo:


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Those baby's are so cute. I love that picture with the wing over the face looks like he's say no no don't take my picture and taking a little peek to see if you've put that camera away yet LOL You have a great flock you must have so much fun with them. Are the Suns weaned Yet?

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:) Thank you, They don't like the camera like Spock does. Spock and the Suns get along great.. Their eating 14-16 cc's 3 times a day...They started flying 6 days a go, their more interested in playing on the atom or their gym...8 weeks old now.:laugh:
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