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Grey newbie - new member.

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I just found the site, wow... GREAT site, Thanks to those who started it!!


I just put a deposit down on a Congo last week - I wanted one 21~ years ago but they were difficult to find and I wound up hand feeding a clutch of Napes, one of which I kept "Ernzzz" (Thanks to Ernie on Sesamie Streat - LOL!!)as he calls him/herself(believe he's a male). Along with my Nape, I found a handfed lovebird and a cockatiel... this completed my flock for 20~ years until last year when within 6 months my lovebird(Awesome bird!!) and cockatiel(talked up a storm!) died.


Fast forward to this year when I purchased 2 babies - green cheeck conure(very funny bird!!) and a parrotlet(dynamo bird!LOL!) with a desire to buy a Grey and a Mealy Amazon.


Well... I bought both birds(CAG/Mealy) and am gathering information on Greys... it's been along time since owning a baby bird on the level of my Nape so I'm a bit "rusty" on my knowledge!


Here it goes!! LOL!!<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 20:43

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Hello Ernzzz and welcome to our family, we are so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you are getting.


You certainly came to the right place looking for all kinds of information for we have a wealth of it here in our many threads so do read thru them and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I also have a sun conure along with my grey, Josey who turned 3 years old last month, she is a sweetheart and life has not been the same since but its all good though.


I think its like riding a bicycle, you never forget how, you will be so knowledgeable about the greys before yours comes home that it will be so easy.


Will you be able to visit your baby grey while it is being weaned, if so please get a few pics and share them with us, we love looking at the adorable babies?

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Thanks JudyGram!


A Sun and a Grey... wow, you must have an verbally active house several times a day! The Sun is a beautiful bird.


I am excited about my new Grey baby, can't wait! I have seen them throught the years and they appeared to be a great combination of wanting interaction while wanting to be left alone without the crankiness of a Zon... as they say, there all different, we'll see!

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For sure but my grey can be very quiet, it is the sun conure that is loud, its funny, the conure will be screaming and everything else is quiet and all of a sudden my grey will say "oh shut up":laugh: its all I can do to not laugh.


Now they don't get along so I have to keep them separated so they never share a playstand but sometimes I have both of them on my shoulders, one on each and I have to keep the conure away from my grey as she is the more aggressive one, just jealous I guess but then she was there first.;)

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judygram wrote:

its funny, the conure will be screaming and everything else is quiet and all of a sudden my grey will say "oh shut up":laugh: its all I can do to not laugh.




What a riot LOL!!!!


I would be afraid they would get into a screaming match with each other.

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Thats the one thing they do not do is have a screaming match, one does not try to drown out the other, I think they accept each other as company so they are not alone during the day while I work but Josey is by far the quieter bird.


Now Josey does mimic Sunny's scream sometimes so I have to be alert to which one it really is but I usually can tell.

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I can't wait to see some pics of your flock I just love them all. So when is Your Grey expected to come home. I have a 6yr old Grey that I rescued a couple years ago. and I just finished handfeeding and weaning my baby Grey her hatch date was Feb. 7 2009 so she's about 4 1/2 months old now and about as sweet as they come. I have other birds as well. Welcome to the family I hope to here lots from you about your fids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the forum. I remember how happy I was to find this place when I knew I was bringing Dorian home. There's lots of information here to look at. I can't promise time will fly by till you bring your baby home, but you'll learn lots, and meet some greyt people, in the meantime.!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got him(?) home... woooohooo!!!

It's been 22~ years since I've brought a baby home this young... WOW, what a feeling... enough of my rambling... it feels good!!!!


My only complaint is he/she(in my semi worthless opinion!) seems awfully hungry, I think I will give a feeding a day to insure he maintains weight - I can feel his breast bone more than I care to. Other than that, he seems very healthy. I had traded birds midstream after I found out my first choice was missing a nail - probably not a big deal but I'm being picky! He was hatched May 19.

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Thanks... I had remembered my grandmother had a cow dog(worked cattle) that was named Blue and I read a story on this website about a grey named Blue and I thought the name was perfect!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/08/17 00:07

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