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Soon to be new grey owner.


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I'm glad I found the site! Finally a grey specific site!


I will be a new grey owner in about 6-8 weeks and I'm trying to gather info. regarding their personalities.

I have a nape(calls himself ernzzz) I handfed 22 years ago so I do have experience with amazons(and gcc/parrotlets). My one issue that concerns me is biting and a greys "desire" to be biters! This is one of the reasons why I will not have another nape/yellowhead. From what I've read there are not as aggressive.


Any comments from Grey/Amazon owners?

Specific do's and don't ideas?


Thanks for the great site!


My Grey @ 2~weeks... my bald baby!


Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 21:21<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 21:23

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Hi Ernzzz and welcome to the forum! So glad you could join to do your research before owning a grey. Congrats! Are you getting a baby grey? A Congo or a Timneh? Have you picked out any names yet? Lol sorry to ask so many questions its great to get to know new greys and their owners. If you have any pictures of Ernzz or your new grey to share that would be awesome, we love pictures. I hope you enjoy the site :)

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Welcome!!! How exciting for you! I know it took what seemed like a lifetime for our Chimay to be weaned and come home to us, but the best advice I could give is to just read read read everything you can on this site. There are so many greYt people here and a lot of very useful information. Have you picked out a cage yet? And I'd like to second the request for pictures! :D We love pictures here.


Congrats on the baby grey and WELCOME again!!!!

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Sorry... I should know better than...

he/she(Congo) was hatched on 5/15, just a youngster! I don't have a name yet, still searching - ideas??


I'm always open to new ideas - it's been along time since I've had a baby bird of this intelligence and I'm a 'bit "rusty" with some of my knowledge when it comes to baby birds and there were no websites(to my knowledge) in the 80's. The web sure is nice!!


I will start reading the posts to learn more - THANKS again!<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/23 16:25

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Sometimes it is best to wait until you either have it sexed if you are going to or wait until you bring it home and something about its personality brings a name to mind but you have plenty of time for that.


Each grey is an individual with its own personality but there are generalities, most are quiet compared to some others, they are very smart as some members can attest to but they need companionship and things to keep them busy and occupied or they get into trouble.


You better get started on reading the posts, you only have 6 to 8 weeks and we have a ton of threads.:lol:

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Congratulations on finding a bab CAG and welcome!!


Amazons are very challenging Parrots to maintain and the rescues full of them testify to that fact. Kudos to you for having yours all this time. :-)


Greys do not have the same temperment as a zon, but they can and will bite when they feel threatened or provoked and also if they decide they just don't want to step up right now.


Every parrot will bite including conures etc. Heck, they even bite each other, which I know is not what the "Experts" in books claim, but they do!!


I look forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

Amazons are very challenging Parrots to maintain and the rescues full of them testify to that fact. Kudos to you for having yours all this time. :-)


WELL SAID! They are NOT for a novice

owner, I found out the hard way with virtually nothing to fall back on - thanks for the web!

I'm glad to be here.

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Hi Ernzz, welcome to the family. Yes, birds bite for different reasons. My timneh, Ana Grey, is very independent and if she doesn't want to leave her position she has tried to bite. A firm "no bite" usually stops her. Greys are very intelligent and they do have the ability to understand as you will soon find out. Greys understand much more than some people give them credit for. Read through the many threads and you will be amazed at how smart they really are. Welcome to the family and karma to you for doing your homework!

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Harvey's now 27 weeks and this site is my bible! You'll find that all of the above give great advice and they're all my heroes from the other side of the Atlantic!


Harvey "bites" when he wants his own way. I say "bites" - you do get used to the pressure of their beaks and realize that beak to hand/finger doesn't necessarily class as a bite and soon don't even react as you know they're not going to hurt you. I did loads of research, like yourself, and Harvey is now the center of my universe (and don't he just know it)! Looking forward to some pictures of your baby.

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