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A MUST SEE for anyone who wants or has a parrot


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HappyinGreece, An excellent link thank you so much for that. I had been thinking of adding another parrot to my flock in the future but this has put me off somewhat. My grey is quite quiet, however I think that by adding another parrot to my household it would make for a lot of screetching, not sure I could cope with constant screeming lol!


Karma to you.

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Thanks Joolesgreyuk. I think it has a lot to do with the species and the training and sensitivity of the owner, for sure. I am hoping to get 2 TAGs this fall, I'm waiting to see if my chosen breeder will be successful with the eggs his 2 pairs have produced. I don't know if they will be noisier because they will have each other's company, but everyone seems to agree that greys are relatively quiet birds.


As for this news clip, some parrot owners on other lists are saying that the lady in the video who owns the lorikeet, Mira Tweti, is a supporter of some proposed legislation that would end ownership of pet birds in the U.S., HR 669 which is not only going after parrots and reptiles, it wants to outlaw aquarium fish, gerbils, ferrets and many more species which are kept as pets today in North America.

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This is a great video and unbiased reporting just stating the facts. I think anyone thinking about purchasing a parrot should be required to watch this video or one like it.


The lady who had the Too for 19 years was was giving it up was heart breaking to me. I could not image doing that simply due to noise or plucking issues. However, I do understand people have their limits in regards this and also that sometimes circumstances change beyond our control that demand a new, good loving home be found for the loves of our life.


Thanks for posting this. :-)

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That video was very moving... and the full truth!


HappyinGreece wrote:

As for this news clip, some parrot owners on other lists are saying that the lady in the video who owns the lorikeet, Mira Tweti, is a supporter of some proposed legislation that would end ownership of pet birds in the U.S.


I've been following this for a while and it won't end ownership completely. (At least not at first.) Section 3f of the bill states: "Animals Owned Lawfully Prior to Prohibition of Importation- This Act and regulations issued under this Act shall not interfere with the ability of any person to possess an individual animal of any species if such individual animal was legally owned by the person before the risk assessment is begun pursuant to subsection (e)(3), even if such species is later prohibited from being imported under the regulations issued under this Act."


I think this would have a bigger impact on breeders and pet stores more than anything. A lot of the mom & pop type stores would be effected and exotic animal places. However, it will save a lot of birds the grief of being a pity buy only to land in a rescue a few years down the road. It breaks my heart to go to the bird fair and see all the babies in cages and tubs. (Even though they are all so super adorable!) Even if this did go through, it wouldn't stop everyone. People would probably just start smuggling birds into the country and/or breeding them under the radar.


If you want to read up on the bill and see the status, you can go here:




That video has inspired me to try and create my own here with the local rescues in Orlando. I'll see what I can dish up! (Again, that was a great informative video!)<br><br>Post edited by: djzenjen, at: 2009/06/24 05:08

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  • 2 months later...

This is an excellent link, thanks for posting it Happyingreece.

I'm not entirely sure that all the opinions of all the owners are correct - Tweti said any parrot will bite the hand that feeds it, and I think there are owners on here who have never been bitten by their birds!

As for the legislation to govern pet ownership, I have to say I would be for it - there has to be thousands of rescue centres all over the world, that are testament to the fact that there needs to be some sort of law that controls the buying of animals for pets. Banning pet ownership altogether would would be a disaster (personally speaking - I would be lost without my animals) but at the same time I have long thought that you should have to pass some kind of test and/or obtain some kind of permit to keep an animal. The story of the feather plucking cockatoo who was being rehomed was just heartbreaking.

Thanks again for the link and Karma to you for posting it.


Lyn & Alfie



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