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Holiday Time


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It's that time of year again when we'll be taking our family holiday. When I had Spiky (my cockatiel) he went to my parent's house and stayed there for two weeks, no problem at all (he wasn't tame and therefore didn't come out of his cage). This year obviously Harvey has taken over our lives and my parents are absolutely willing to have him at theirs for the fortnight we are away.....but there's a problem!


Harvey will NOT let my parents handle him. He flies away from them (and bites when he gets the chance) and they will have absolutely no chance whatsoever of getting him back in his cage. This is tried and tested in my home, with me being there to "retrieve" him when he gets away from them.


I don't want my parents stressing about letting him out - they are kind enough to look after him (and he'll be talked to death there!!) - I have told them that he'll just have to be caged for the two weeks - will this have a detrimental effect on him? I'm stressing already - but there seems no alternative.


Thanks in advance for your help. Jill xx<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/06/22 21:02

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Jill, he will be fine!

He may be fed up for a couple of weeks, but I dont really see an alternative.


I had the same problem last year when I went away for a week, my husband looked after the birds and he cant get them back in the cages.


They were so pleased to see me when I got back and I missed them so much!


I hope you have a great holiday and dont worry about Harvey, its great he is staying with someone he knows and you can trust, thats more important.:)

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Enjoy your holiday Jill. This time with your parents and Harvey may really be a good thing. Harvey will see what loving and caring parronts your mom and dad are and they will have an opportunity to give him treats and let him know they are OK people. So go, go go and have a great time!

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Its only 2weeks he will be fine yo may have him stuck to your face like glue for a few days after you get home but other than that I do think this will be good for him he will get to know your parents and then mabie next year he will be able to come out for them because of this 2 weeks. So go have a good time and don't worry you can always call home and your parents can put the phone up to him so you can talk to him at least that way he'll know that your comeing home for him.

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He'll be fine and I am sure your parents will keep him occupied, well fed and converse with him so he will feel as welcome as possible.


You never know, he may warm up to them quite a bit with them feeding and caring for him during that time. :-)

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