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hi from MadMax

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im guessing this is where i say hi to everyone being new and all.....im here possibly looking for helpful tips that i may not be aware of in helping madmax not be mad anymore and to modify some of his bad behaviors , being a one person bird,biting me, chasing me to bite me...im not scared to be bitten as i have been bit many times by max ( and yes some have been bloody) starting wednesday or thursday the latest i will be doccumenting how and what i do to change MadMax

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Hello MadMax and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and MadMax.


You will need to give us lots of information about him and your situation to give us a better chance of helping you with your problem, how old, how long have you had him and so forth and so on. We have many knowledgeable members who may be able to help you and MadMax come to a peaceful agreement.

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Hi and welcome to the forum! Can you give us a little more info about Madmax so maybe someone can help you with the biting issue? In the meantime there is a thread about body language that lists signs on why they are doing it, which can help you avoid some of these bites. Good luck. I look forward to hearing more about you and Madmax. ;)

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thanks everyone for the welcome to here......heres all i know about MadMax the previous owner had max for 5 years... madmax would bite the previous owners husband and chase the previous owners husband into the bathroom.....before this MadMax was owned by a truck driver so not much info in this chapter of maxes life


as for me when i try to pick max up i know im going to get bit ....max is such a sneak.....max will bend his head down and lift a foot up but thats just his ploy to bite me


its obvious that madmax has been abused by a male, i also feel that by max being clipped (wings) he doesnt feel trusted or possibly max doesnt feel as confident as a flighted parrot... we plan on allowing max to grow out his feathers for flight.... i start recall training thursday,i plan on using a stick on the foor with a clicker aid and treats to teach max to goto the stick

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Welcome Madmax!!


It sounds like your Grey has had a fairly bad set of previous owners that just didn't know how to deal with and help a Grey learn proper behaviour.


It GreYt to hear he has found someone interested enough to spend the time, training and patience needed to get him to a point he is going to learn humans can and will be consistent in behaviour as well and what to expect of them.


Looking forward to hearing more. :-)

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Thats horrible that MadMax was treated that way, poor thing, no wonder he doesn't trust anyone especially males, wouldn't you just like to ring their neck:angry:


You will have a rough road to follow and it will take lots of time and much patience and with his past and his age he may never come to fully trust you but I think you will be able to work out an agreement with him so you two can have a workable relationship.

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