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What have your greys...


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What have your greys done to show you how much they love you?


Recently Partner has started to let me fully pet him, down his back and he will even let me pet his tail feathers, which he has never done before. He also enjoys sitting on my shoulder now and he will just rub his head on my face and he will want me to give him kisses on his head. It is SO CUTE!! and it makes me really happy that he trusts me enough to let me do it!!!



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Thats great to hear Nick and that is a sure sign he trusts you.


Josey likes to sit on my shoulder and gives me kisses too, I can touch her most anywhere but it is the look in her eyes that show me the most when she wants me to come and get her, she doesn't have a full set of flights yet and will beg for me to get her.

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Yep, Partner doesn't have full flight feathers yet either, but I'm letting them grow back in as well.


Partner lets me know when he really wants me to get him... he'll make 3 clicks, than says "come here" three times it is just adorable lol.

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I get strange looks in our house - Harvey likes nothing better than for me to lie on the sofa, with him on my chest, with a blanket over him and me - covering everything but his head (he looks like ET) - my husband shakes his head in disgust and thinks I'm turning him into a girl!!! Harvey loves this and if I stop stroking him he'll head butt my face so that I continue!!

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When Ecko wants some love he comes over to me, beaks my finger and puts his head down for a scratch. When I stop he does it again until he is done with me haha. He is so sweet during these times, I know its some sort of way for showing love to me. :P

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When Adaya want love and cuddles she rolls herself over in the palm of me hand and I lay her on her back on my tummy and she will stay like that for hours and let me rub her face beak and head and if I stop she will beak my fingers lightly to remind me that she still wants more loveing.

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Chimay always settles down on my chest on the couch for cuddle time...I'll scritch and rub him all over his face, his neck (top and bottom) and he just loves it. He's not a fan of the body rubs, but that's okay by me. When I need to get up for any reason, I'll offer him my finger as per usual and tell him to step up. He'll block with his body as best he can, laying almost completely on his belly. If I get my fingers within reach of the stepup, he'll step on with one foot and over with the other, snuggling up to my neck and lying flat on his belly again.


At that point, whatever I had to get up for is rendered unimportant

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Whisper gives me kisses and asks for scratches. She is apparently very concerned about me today too because she has asked me 20 times " are you okay?" And then "whats the matter?" So she must love me!:laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is greyt everyone! It is really cool to know that not everyone has the same experience and all are unique. It shows even more that they are all individuals and have the intelligence we all know they have but the skeptics still are not understanding.

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Koko makes a kissing sound then puts her head downs and turns it sideways with the back of her neck to me and wants kisses on the back of the neck. She does the same thing on my shoulder and rubs my face with the top of her head. Sometimes if it is late in the evening, she will back up into my lap and roost on my leg. I put my arm around her and stroke her and her baby eyes look heavy and want to close.

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Well, Dayo loves his Daddy, but he is obsessed with his Mommy and she is the he normally shows very close affection for. he will dance around on her legs, pant and regurgitate for her when she gets home after work and lets him out of the cage. he will fall into such a deep sleep in the evenings laying on her chest as he is fully down, legs sticking out the back and wings parted that sometimes he will start to roll off.


He loves her so much, she can lifts his wings, flip him over and rub his belly, tickle under his wings etc.


I am not allowed these types of interactions at all, he will try to box with me over such a sick insult from another male. ;-)


With me, he likes to play and rough house with dad like all kids, the occasional allowance of a scratch is granted but only for 5 seconds at the most. Then he just wants to sit on my arm or knee and preen and sometimes falls a sleep on one foot.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/01 15:14

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Rangi flies down the hallway to greet me when I get home and he likes to sit on my shoulder with his butt towards my face and he likes me to stroke his back and then turns his head and gently holds on to my nose with his beak and closes his eyes for a head scratch.


He faithfully perches on the back of the soffa next to me every night and when he gets the urge he creeps up the soffa sideways and when he reaches my head he sticks his butt in my face and this is my cue to start with cuddles. He has me well trained.


Kea doesn't really show that she loves me in those ways, but many times she will happily sit on my hand as we look out the window at all the action going on and she will turn her head and look at me and this is when I get this warm feeling in my body that she loves me.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2009/07/01 16:03

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Don't worry Jillybeanz... you're not the only under-blankets-grey-snuggler :) One of the customary routines of Jacko and I on weekends is I'll stumble groggy and blurry-eyed from bed, retrieve him from his sleep crate and crawl back into bed. Then both he and I will crawl back under the covers and spend a lazy morning in bed snoozing and snuggling until we get up to go eat breakfast lol.

As for the ways he shows he loves me there's almost too many. One of my particular favourites is if he's sitting on my hand and i've said 'who's my pretty baby?' his face patch will blush and he gets all fluffy and will crouch down on my hand and stick his neck out and snuggle his head into my neck and stay there with his eyes closed... melts my heart every time :)

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