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few questions ??


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hi.. i am part of this forum since nearly a month now and have read as many post as possible to get updated and its really given me a lot of knowledge abt greys..


k so i finally got my grey from a breeder... its been a week back since he is with me and havnt named him yet..

he is 12 months old..




1) iris is yellow is the age rite ??


2) he doesnt eat from my hand. i got to put his food in the bowl and he takes it from there.. :(


3) he only eats sunflower seeds and nuthing else.. i try eaveryday, to put apple, pomogrenade(srry bad at spellings), guava, carrot etc etc.. i cut them into pieces but then too till evenin he wont eat.. so i feel bad and giv him the seeds, whch he loves and eats alot..(suggestions plz)


4) when i go close to his cage, he puffs all his feathers up and i have to take a step back and he becomes normal then..(is this normal ??)


5) when i keep his cage on the window.. he climbs from the bottom of one corner and comes down the other total acrobat style.. and immitates all the birds tht come at my window (koel, sparrows, pigeons and crows) he makes the exact sound they make (comment ?) is he ok ? coz i feel he over does the climbing up and down sometimes..


6) i tried keeping his cage door open but he neva came out.. will he ever come out ?? will he ever eat from my hand ?? he just does his acrobats when ever i try to feed him from my hand and hangs upside down and looks at my hand.. so i put his food in the bowl waited for 2 hrs once thinkin he ll come down but NO he wouldnt..


7) and the last thing after his dinner he grinds his beak alot ??( is tht ok))


plz i will be really happy to get the above answers from u people..

hope to hear from u ppl soon...!!


this line below is for Lidia..


sorry lidia.. i was a little late to inform u.. was a little occupied.. about the traumatic CAG. i met the owner, he got him a female cag.. so now thy both seems to be happy and he gettin normal.. the owner taking care of him.. i asked him i wanted 2 rescue him, but he said now they are a pair.. so he doing great now.. wanted to give u the good news.. bye take care

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Guest briansmum

congrats on getting your grey imran!!


the eyes are supposed to be that colour, and as far as i know beak grinding is completely normal, usually when they are sleepy.


as he gets used to you he will begin to take food from your hand, if sunflower seeds are his favourite then use those to tempt him. just be patient, that goes for everything, patience is KEY.


you really do need to switch him from a diet of seeds, try a good pellet diet like harrisons or zupreem, they are nutitionally balanced and much healthier than seeds. they should only really have about 15-20 sunflower seeds a day. again this will take a while, im sure someone else can help you more with this as i havn't really had a problem with it.


the acrobatics are fine, greys are big climbers and swingers, if anything it just means you have a healthy active grey. it is when they sit in a ball at the bottom of their cage you need to worry.


does he step up onto your hand? can you actually handle him?

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Keep offering him different foods. Try different ways of fixing it. Like mashed, cubed, diced, chunked or whatever. A pellet diet would be a good idea. Try warm foods too. Cornbread, wheat toast are good too. Do not give up your bird well be a healthier bird for it. It can take at long time so just keep offering it.

Beak grinding is a good thing. As far are how to rehab an older grey you'll have to let someone else give you advice on that I have never done that.

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Hi Imran, I will try to answer questions if I can.


1. If the iris is yellow he might be a little older than 12 months, my grey is 13+ months and hers are more cream color, sounds more like a 2 year old or older.


2. Untill he gets used to you he won't eat from your hand, give it a little time, it will happen.


3. You need to get him off the sunflower seeds as a regular diet, they are ok for a treat but he needs a good quality pellet and a variety of vegetables and fruits. This will have to be a gradual process and I think we already have a thread that deals with that.


4. This is normal to puff up, he is not used to you yet, it takes time to form a bond and for him to trust you so go slow and it will happen in time, don't push for more before he is ready.


5. It is perfectly normal for them to be climbing all over the cage and such, even hanging upside down from it, is good excersize for them.


6. He will eventually come out on his own, he feels a little scared right now and wants the safety of the cage but with a little time he will come out, you can try giving him a treat to entice him though.


7. Grinding is normal, most all birds do this, usually before they go to sleep.


Sounds like you have a normal grey, but you need to work on his diet, only sunflower seeds is not healthy for him. Hope this helps and keep us informed on your progress. Get us a photo of him if you can, we love looking at other's greys and maybe it will answer the question of age.:)

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hey judy tari and becy that was a quick response.. thank you.. ya i trying my best to change his diet.. i guess he is too used to those seeds..


becky he doesnt come on my hand i told u he is scared a little.. he doesnt take food from my hand so coming on my hand is far away yet..


judy i ll get his pics and post as soon as possible.. so u can determine his age..

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Guest briansmum

i didn't think so, i was just checking it was just generaly that he isn't used to you, as if he was stepping onto you but just not taking food, it could have been some deeper food related phobia :)

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Well patience is a virtue so I am told and that is what you need most right now, it takes time to change him over to a loving bird, but once the bond is formed you will see a difference and you will be rewarded with an amazing animal. Those of us that got our greys as babies have it a little easier to set up the bond but it will just take a little longer for an older bird to adjust, but it will happen I assure you. Keep us informed and good luck to you.:)

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Guest Lidia

imran wrote:

iris is yellow is the age rite ??

He's probably two years old at least, especially since the amount of mimickry he already seems capable of, but that's okay. He sounds like a lovely bird and very alert and intelligent.


imran wrote:

he doesnt eat from my hand. i got to put his food in the bowl and he takes it from there..

The advice in this thread is very good, like the others said, take it slowly and gently and try lots of different things. What you put in is what you will get back from this bird and it's worth the effort for the joy and love you will both receive.


imran wrote:

the last thing after his dinner he grinds his beak alot ??( is tht ok))

This is a VERY good sign. The grinding is the parrot equivalent of a cat's purr. It's a sign of relaxation and contentment. You must be doing the right thing for you to get this response. Enjoy it!


imran wrote:

i was a little late to inform u.. was a little occupied.. about the traumatic CAG. i met the owner, he got him a female cag.. so now thy both seems to be happy and he gettin normal.. the owner taking care of him.. i asked him i wanted 2 rescue him, but he said now they are a pair.. so he doing great now.. wanted to give u the good news.. bye take care

Thank you so much for that, I am sure everyone here is very relieved to hear the other CAG is doing well. What a weight off your mind that must be.

:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/05 13:20

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Lidia, This is a VERY good sign. The grinding is the parrot equivalent of a cat's purr. It's a sign of relaxation and contentment. You must be doing the right thing for you to get this response. Enjoy it!


Thanks for that information, I was never exactly sure that's what it meant.

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For the last year I thought my Peach Conure was just so irritated with me, that he was grinding his Beak!:laugh:


I learn something everytime I read another Post!


This Forum is Great, due to the wealth of knowledge all the members here have!



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hi everyone.. and thanks a lot to boost my patience.. i really appreciate... you ppl take time and reply so nicely and clear all my doubts..

i also like the spammers who like to increase their post ;) eheh its fun to do that too.. keep it going


so here are the pics i managed some how to get em..

so u can teme abt his age..


i also got a few more questions and experience to share ppl..


alrite so here i go..


1) today mornin i put corn, apple cut in pieces and some pomogrande for him and also put 2 to 3 sunflower seeds beneath the fruits so he notices..

so this guy picks up the apple and other fruits and bam outside the cage one by one till he found the seeds :) atleast he got some taste of it while doing soo... ;) so me happy


2) according to u ppl.. which is better(i mean better in trainin and talkin i know all greys are awesome pets) a grey who is trained and hand tamed from childhood or somethin which i got now... ??


3) i m posting the seed pics are they sunflower seeds or somethin else coz i got black and white seeds from breeder.. so black ones i know are sunflower the other i m not sure so u can see the pic and lemme know..


4) he had a swing in his cage.. whch had a wooden base.. i read in one post a grey loving toothpicks.. specially wood part in it.. so my grey also loved the wooden part postin the pic to show u ppl how much he ate.. i m sure wood is not at all good for any grey.. :)


anyways thats all i got to ask u ppl.. leme know thanks a million in advance.. will update u ppl more ;)
















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Guest Lidia


He's gorgeous, but definitely older than a year old! I would say he's probably more than two as well, but that is just my impression from the way he is holding his head feathers, the length of his neck and the colour of his eyes. He has a grown up look about him. But he's absolutely gorgeous. Lucky you!<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/05 15:06

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Guest briansmum

it's quite unusualy because his eye colour is deffinately that of a 2year+ bird, but his beak looks a bit baby like.... hhmmmm

he is lovely though

i don't know what those seeds are, they aren't sunflower seeds.

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Very good pitures, Imran, and he is definitely more than 2 years old from the yellow of the iris. I know you are so pleased with him and good job on the seeds, hiding them under the less desirable food for now.

Try to get another shot of the seeds, more in focus so we can tell what those are, maybe a sunflower seed, I have seen almost white ones.

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i am a bad photographer.. took me lots of time to make him stable he keeps doin his acrobats :)


hmm.. i also thot he was around 2yrs..but the breeder says he is 12 months.. he also said he was the healthiest grey he got :unsure:

but its ok..

he is gorgeous hmmm..!! thank you ppl..

but u ppl didnt answer me.. which is better ??

tamed from childhood or like the one i got... do they both reach the same destination later on or do they differ charector wise..?


one more thing...


regarding the eyes

does the eyes turn from black- blue black grey, yellow iris, cream iris then finally white


or is it black- blue black grey, cream iris, yellow cream iris then finally white...


Post edited by: imran, at: 2007/07/05 18:15<br><br>Post edited by: imran, at: 2007/07/05 18:16

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Guest briansmum

the advantage of having a baby is they bond to you quicker, but there is no reason that with a bit of patience a slightly older bird will not come to love you just as much as if you had had it from a baby.

as for their eyes, they start out completely black, go silvery, then yellowy

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Right Beccy and that is why I think the bird is 2+ years, the eyes are too yellow for any younger.

Right again, Beccy, the bonding will take place earlier if it is a baby, but an older bird will take a little longer, the only difference character wise is maybe the treatment it received before it came into your hands.

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hmmmm.. thank you ppl..

so finally the greys iris becomes white and thats the final color rite ?

he gettin a little friendly now.. i think time will do the job.. the day he steps up my hand i ll surely post a pic for u ppl :)

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