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Not wanting to come out?


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April seems happy to come out in the morning, like if i just uncover her she'll want to come out but if i have to go out or dont get her out int eh morning then she doesnt want to coem out for the rest of the day, ill ask her to step up she wont bite me but just resist to come out, if i open the cage door she'll happily sit on top of the cage talking.

What could be the reason for her not wanting to come out with me?


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Yeah, if i leave the cage door open she'll come out, shes always been like this, but usually she loves to come out on my hand, maybe she just wants to be near her cage like then where her food and water is.

I feel that she doesnt want to come because wherever im taking her she's going to be bored.

I'd usually take her to her playstand which is a T stand pretty boring i guess.

Ill try make playtime more fun and see if she wants to come out more, what could i do with her to make her enjoy time out oft he cage more?


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Do you have any foot toys for her to play with? Try getting one of those cat toys, those balls with the bells inside it, try rolling it around the floor to see if she will chase after it and have fun with it. My greys love doing that! Or maybe try getting a wicker basket for her to destroy, or something that she can destroy, they love doing things like that too. Good luck. :)

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When we first got Chimay we didn't have much in the way of additional playspace, except for his playtop which he seemed to get bored with. So we put an old bedsheet over our coffee table with some foot toys scattered around and let him run around the table. He really seemed to like it...and it gave us a chance to work with him on some training items such as "come here." We'd each sit at opposite ends of the table and take turns calling him over.

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Yes she has foot toys, she had a cat toy with a bell inside but some how she took it apart, atleast she had fun with it, i also have a ball with a bell in but shes terrified of it, thats the problem shes scared of some things.

She doesnt seem interested in anything.

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I would try and get her a plain wicker basket...we had gotten one for Chimay when he came home and that helped out with keeping him occupied along with his "table time." You can get it at any craft store (we got ours from Michael's for $14.99), just make sure there is no paint or stain on it. It'll make a mess if she decides she likes chewing it, but totally worth it

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Sometimes my Ana Grey likes to stay in her cage a little longer. I usually let her come out on her own. She always comes out when I am cleaning her cage. She likes to sit on the cage door and I guess supervise!!! Sully my Eclectus is the same way, he immediately leaves the inside of his cage if I am going to clean it. He really prefers his cage and because he is older (I believe at least 10 years old), I try to respect his wishes most of the time.

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