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First word?


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This morning I was sitting here checking the forums, and Cleo was happily whistling and chattering in her cage. I noticed a moment of silence, and suddenly heard "hello". I almost fell off my chair with surprise. My baby spoke!!! It wasn't totally perfect, but it was definitely a hello!


I thought I heard her say it last week, as did my partner, but neither of us were totally convinced it was Cleo, as both lorikeets try to say it too, but their hello sounds more like "heh-ho", very nasally.


Cleo has said nothing since, even though I've been saying hello to her over and over since she said it. I do know they will speak when they want to.


Her hatch date was 31 January 2008, so she's not even 6 months old.


I hope she keep it up lol :laugh:

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OMG this is unbelievable! Just as I finished the previous post, I heard her say "quack quack quack". When Cleo is not happy with me she clucks and quacks at me, and I say things to her like "yeah yeah, quack quack, I know you aren't happy quack quack". But this time she actually spoke the word!! Not just made a quacking sound!


Heehee I have tears in my eyes at the moment!! Sorry for ranting lol.

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Cleo is just over a week shy of 6 months. And yep I'm over the moon! I tried very hard not to get my hopes up.


Heh, about Adaya, I said to Cleo yesterday she was lagging behind and to hurry up and say something. She just ignored me, but I think she might have thought about it overnight.

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