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I will soon need a new couch


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Charlie has got in to a bad habbit of chewing my leather couch.I am removing him from it and placing him on the cage or stand.He will go to his cage on command and will do this and then say good boy.I realise that by removing him and asking him to get on his cage is giving him attention for the behaviour as he enjoys it and he loves drama.I cant ignore him because I will end up with no couch. The only thing that works is putting a scary object on the couch and that only works till he becomes acustomed to it.I would be very greatful for any sugestions.

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I have tried that Pat but perhaps I was not consistant enough.I think he is also confused because of an evening I let him sit on the arm of the couch for a head scritch so I am telling him one second dont go on the couch and the next I am letting him have a head scritch of an evening.So maybe the evening cuddle is out. I really hope not.

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Mabie at cuddle time instead of letting him sit on the couch have him sit on your knee instead and then if he moves to the couch move him back to your knee or chest which even is most comfortable for you he will soon learn the difference or mabie get a small T stand and have him sit on that for his nite time cuddles instead of on the couch.

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I can not think of any way to get a grey to not chew on something they find desirable, other than covering it with towels, sheets etc when they will be out.


The only other way is to make that couch off-limits completely and remove him a 1000 times if it takes that. It does mean the arm will be off-limits to, I don't think he will see any difference between it and the rest of the couch, unless you place a towel there perhaps so it looks different and only allow him on that one spot. This too will take moving him to the arm a 1000 times until he "Gets It". Perhaps his favorite treats would speed up the process for each time he goes and stays there.

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Thanks Dan.It started with covering the couch up with a sheet but Charlie soon realised he could chew the leather threw the sheet and once he got the idea of chewing the leather that was it,he keeps going back to make the hole bigger.I am wondering about the products you can get in the pet chop for birds to stop chewing,I presume it is a taste they dont like.It is safe because you can also put it on the bird to stop feather chewing.I dont think it is much use for feather chewing though,I think it would make them preen more in an attempt to clean the feathers.Maybe as you say I will have to make the couch a no go area all together.Its that or keep coming up with scary object sto keep him away.

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