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Dafney and Matt are here!

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I am a new adopter of a sweet 5 year old female Timneh African Grey named Dafney.


The original owners of her took excellent care of her but unfortunately had to give her up. She just came to her new home on 6/20 and so far she is doing great, already whistling and making other interesting sounds and even a word here and there. Hopefully in the next few weeks she will be much more comfortable in our home and will open up to us more, but we'll not be rushing her the least bit.


I am married with two young kids (one is 2 and the other is 6 months), but I will be the primary care giver for her, which may be a little challenging at first since Dafney's original primary caregiver was a female so it will be quite a change for her.


I am a new bird owner and have been reading up on African Greys for about two months while looking for the perfect bird for our home, but I'm no stranger to the additional care and attention required as I have cared for other exotic pets in the past years.


The original owner gave me great instructions of Dafney's routines and behaviors/body languages as well as her diet and favorite snacks.


She will be needing a wing, beak, and nail treatment soon, but with the stress of bringing her home (3 hour drive) and the new environment and people I wanted to wait a little while before I subject her to that. Anyone have a rough estimate on how long would be a good time to wait to keep her stress level down?


Any advice or tips that anyone has for easing Dafney's transition into her new home are welcome and greatly appreciated!


I'll get some pictures posted up soon!


- Matt

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Welcome Matt and Dafney!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


You are doing just fine by being patient and letting her come around according to her own time schedule in interacting with you and the new flock.


It is very wise to leave the trimmings for a later date so she does not associate the new home with bad experiences. You may also want to read some of the posts on this forum dealing with wing clipping, nail trimming etc. which continue good advice and different points of view.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those photos. :-)

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Hi Matt, congratulations on the addition of Dafney to your family.Everything you are doing is great so far. I am pleased you have excellent guide lines from Dafneys previous owners regarding her diet and routine, this will help a lot in getting Dafney settled in.Any diet or routine changes needed can be done gradually as she becomes more at home.It sounds as if you have done your homework on greys before Dafney came home and have an idea of the hard work and time exotics need.There are two views on the vet visit one is to hang on as long as possible before going and the other is to go as soon as possible to have a thorough check up of the bird.As you have no other birds to worry about with regards to illness and quarantine and if the bird looks in good health,eatin,playing I sugest letting her settle first.Good luck and I am looking forward to hearing more about Dafney and if you can I would love to see some pictures.

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Hello Matt and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dafney.


Thats wonderful you could open your home and heart for this grey and I am sure you will do an excellent job with her as her former owners did. It is always so enheartening to hear that for whatever reason they gave her up they had taken excellent care of her and probably socialized her properly so the transition will be more smooth.


You are doing the right thing to learn all you can about the grey and you will learn a lot from reading thru our many threads for we have many knowledgeable members who will be willing to help you in any way they can, all you have to do is ask.


What an excellent idea to note all her particular likes and dislikes and her preferences and other things about her, it will help immensely with her transition.


We do love pictures here so when you can share some of Dafney we would appreciate it very much.

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