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Hey everyone. My name is Joe. I have been reading up, researching on greys. I have had parakeets in the past, but i guess you cant compare parakeets with parrots. I have been looking for a place to adopt/buy a grey, but there isnt a place that is reputable that i can find.


I have found some sellers on recycler.com but it all seems like a scam. I will not lie, money is something i do take into consideration. I have seen many prices ranges for these greys. ive seen as low as $300 to as high as $1500.


I am not able to afford anything above $600-$700 as of now. And there is always the worry of scammers online, and getting a hold of a sick birds.


So i come to these forums in hopes of finding a healthy companion, and sharing raising him/her with the forums. So if anyone can point me in the right direction to find a breeder/seller (preferably in socal) i will appreciate it.



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The fact that you dont have enough money to purchase a bird right now really concerns me. Yes you can get a second hand bird fair cheep but usally they well need new toys new cage and a vet visit so that anough or 500 plus after you spend money one the bird.

Even if you buy a healthy baby there is the cage, toys and still the well bird check up and that well run you 300 or more.

Then even if you find the bird toys and cage you have to spend around 50 a month (thats if you make a lot of your own toys) on food and toys. And a couple hundred a year on vet bills.

So all that being said you cant go wrong with a grey if you can afford one.

Good luck

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Thanks for the response. What i meant by afford, is the price i considered to pay for the bird. I have taken consideration to food/vet bills/toys/cage/playing area. I have just set a price in case for example, i need medication if the bird is sick, for DNA test etc. I can pay $1500 for the bird. But lets say i pay $1500, and discover i need to pay $100 a week for medication or what not, that will be a problem.

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Hi Paullywalnuts,


Welcome to the Forum!


You sound a lot like me during my search for a Grey, excluding the money cap.


Rescues didn't work for me, after I realized I lacked the experience and knowledge it would take to rehab one of these intelligent guy's.


I live in the San Joaquin Valley here about 180 miles north of you if you live in LA.


My Breeder asks 950 for her CAG's. She presntly has six (one of which is mine) that will be weaned and fledged by the end of August or first of September.


This may be a little further away than you wished. But, just thought I would let you know.


From googling for CAG breeders down south, it looks like there are several. Then you could visit your CAG while it's at the Breeders. :laugh:


Only you know your situation well enough right now to make the right decision for You.


But, we can sure give you lots of advise and ideas :P

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paullywalnuts wrote:

Hey everyone. My name is Joe. I have been reading up, researching on greys. I have had parakeets in the past, but i guess you cant compare parakeets with parrots.


Hi Joe.. Thanks for joining our family.. You would be surprised just how similar your parakeets are to Grey's. Let me give you some similarities. Your parakeets need lots of love.. So does the Grey.. Your parakeets needed out of cage time.. So does the Grey... Your parakeets need lots of love and attention.. So does the Grey..:P :P :P :P


I could continue but I think you get the idea.. :) :)


Anyway, Tari makes a good point about affordability of Grey's. It costs way more to raise one and give it the love it needs then it costs to buy one... You will forever be buying toys toys and more toys.. Beside that you have well bird Vet visits, cage accessories, play stands, play trees, and on and on.....


You are starting in the right place by posting here.. I am sure you are gonna get lots of opinions... Sit back and enjoy... See ya soon



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Guest briansmum

they do cost a small fortune, but i think it it more initial outlay, initial toys/cage/perches/vets, once that is all done it's not too bad till it needs doing again if you get me. you dont have to spend a ton on toys. im trying to stop buying everything cos brian doesnt play with them anyway ggrrr lol. although having said that i think i've spent more on him since i got him than he cost. and pet insurance is a must i think.

so if it is a grey you have your heart set on, i would wait and save a while longer rather than buying one in your budget, they aren't a budget kind of bird.

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Definately not a budget bird :laugh: but one you will enjoy for a long time. Do your reading and research and if you decide a grey is for you then we will be here to help you any way we can.

And welcome to the forum and our family, Joe, we look forward to your decision and keep us informed.:)

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It took me 4 months to find my breeder. I just kept researching and emailing over and over. It was a lot of work but I knew the amount of work would pay off. 4 months for likely 50 years... it's a fair trade. Mirek cost me $1,700 CND$ out the door and all the junk to go with him cost about $1,000. And I still dont even have him home yet!

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I doubt it.


The risk would be too great to the Breeder.


Most will go 3 days to 30 Days at most.


Unfortunately, they have no control over how you feed and take care of your new Baby.


If you do not ensure a proper diet, water living environment, Vet check up etc. The CAG could die due to it.


Here is just one example of the wording from "A" Breeder:


"All babies are guaranteed against any pre-existing conditions; such as bacterial disorders, viruses or deformities. This guarantee is valid for 30 days after birds have been received. Any diagnosis of any pre-existing conditions must be made by a licensed avian veterinarian. "

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Hi Paullywalnuts, welcome to the forum. I'm happy you joined :)


Is adopting a grey not something you can consider? I assume that taking a bird from a rescue center wouldn't cost as much as buying one from a breeder?

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Hello Joe welcome to the family.... Once you get the grey you go straight to the vet for a wellness check up And reputable breeders should work with you if something is wrong right away ... And I do have to mention the name Paully Walnuts lol you like the Sopranos

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dont buy a bird from cameroon mass scammers there..

i was suppose to get a bird from there..

but one thing if he/she asks u too pay through western money transfer...

dont think abt it

ur money will go waste..

i luckily got saved

coz my brother is into cargo

so i know the procedure

no cargo company will ask you to transfer moeny to a personal name through western union..

which the cameroon lady asked me to do making a fake airline company website it seemed so real

just tryin to warn u be very careful abt cameroon..

coz i just saved myself from getting scammed..

hope this helps u..

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Hi Joe, I did buy Talon off the internet, but they're are many scams of people that sent money, and never received their bird. So, be careful. The local numbers sometimes are from Cameroon or other places like that. I had that experience. Also, be leery of "cheap" prices.

You can not get a bird shipped into the United States legally, so keep it as local as possible. We had Talon shipped from Fl to MA, in the winter. Temp. is important when shipping a bird. I didn't know until the day of, whether it would be warm enough to ship her. But she did well, even though she was quite young.

So keep researching, and thoroughly question the person you are considering buying from.

Good luck, and keep us posted! :) :)

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