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Grace Plucking (2)

Guest benb

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Thanks for your replies. No, she is not left alone, we are together all the time because I write and I write in my room where she lives. She gets lots of attention. I have not given her enough fresh fruits, I fear, for she turned up her beak at them over the last couple of years. Yes, I see what you mean about too many vitamin supplements. I only now started them, and

I'm using a shower spray advertised for helping with skin conditions and plumage. Yes, I see what you mean about her being in such good condition, and absent any mistreatment, it must be a nutrition or physiological illness. I shall seek out an avian specialist and see what the Dr. can find.

Tqwo specialists in this neck of the wood (Portland, OR) advertise that they make house calls only. Is that usual? Thanks again for your replies, I appreciate your time and effort and kindness. - W

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Thanks Molly. Yes, I will persevere with the fresh foods. I was told she might be coming into a breeding mode for the first time and might have mixed emotions about all that. Yes, we have broiled chicken about twice a week and

Grace loves the bones. She makes short work of them. Thanks again for your thoughts, I appreciate the help. - W

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Guest phishsticks

re fruit and veg. You need to persevere. Offer a selcetion daily even if she doesn't eat them. Eat things in front of her and offer her some of what you have. Try baby corn, peas in the pod, a slice of orange, , radish, frozen mixed veg (defrosted). Eventually she will sample something, and when she does, praise her. It may take months for her to learn to eat fruit and veg but she will never do so if you give up. She needs coaxing. Do you also offer a cooked chicken bone occasionally?

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