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First Time CAG Owner

Guest guelah75

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Guest guelah75

Meanwhile im getting a CAG this next week, & as a new owner I've alot of questions.


First, we are waiting for the cage to arrive, so "Buzz" (short for Buzz

Aldrin BTW) is sittin at the store on hold. They have him in a cage in the back of the store, but I do not know what the cage is like. To illustrate they ofered to lend us a cage until the permanent cage comes, so we could take Buzz home right away. We figured which it'll be too traumatic to put him in to the borrowed cage and then put him into another cage when his permanent cage comes, so we are simply waitiung for the permanent cage to come before we grin him home from the store. It is supposed to arriuve this next week. We want Buzz's transition into our home to go as smoothly as possible. But are we being too timid?


Also, I want to make this apatrment as parrot-safe as possible. Looking at it what things do I need to look out for that might not seem obvious? Are large mirrors a problem if his wings are clipped? My bathroom has a huge mirror over the sink. Do I need to cover that mirror when Buzz is out and about, or would it be no problem?


In addition, I am concerned about remarkably making sure the cat and dog don't cause any problem. Do I need to lock the cat in another room while Buzz is out of his cage (never unattended of course)?


Also, I have seen "shower perches" in bird catalogs. Buzz has never had an actual shower of any kind so I wonder if taking him into the shower might be too traumatic at first? How easily do CAG's adapt to showers?


Finally, I need to decide where to place the cage. To a great extent I have read that CAG's like the cage to be against a wall so they can feel somewhat secure, but the only place in the living room where the cage would have the long side against against anything like a wall is in front of the balcvony window/door, which has vertical blinds. My wife is concerned that this location could be a bit cold and/or drafty in the winter. The location she prefers in on the right hand side of the sofa about four from the stairs. I'm concerned that such a location might be a bit stressful for a young parrot since the dog rushes past there all lastly excited when he knows he is going out, and the only side of the cage that could be against the wall there is the short side. Another location we have considered is th computer room, which is "bedroom". In that location the cage can be longwise against the wall, but Buzz will be away from all the action.

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Guest mizzna

Good luck with the Grey!

You didn't say how old the bird is?

First NEVER let the cat or dog alone with Buzz ,

Not for a second.

Naturally try to let him out for playtime about 2 hours a day,

They are not the best flyers so the mirrors are not a great concern.

Give him a varied diet with pellets to supplement.

A few peanuts, almonds and pistachio nuts as a treat,

No avacoto, coffee, or chocolate.

Check out some of the bird club sites for information.

Long island bird club, for one. Indeed my 8 yr. While some may see it differently old grey is free fully flighted, but I live alone. Looking at it don't clip wings to much, they fall pretty hard and can be only injured.

My grey loves to perch on my hand, shoulder and head.

He is a real good friend.

Hope you have half of the pleasure that I get from my bird. There is nothing so satisfying!

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Guest dave goodreau

I stand corrected.

No more coffee for Geordie but apple juice sounds like a well idea.

Further am I worried about her going to other persons?

No, My kids (grew now) Until now were more valuable to me than a parrot but they went to school, swimming etc & I did not worry about the physical condition of there friends.

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Guest dave goodreau

No offence judicially intended but should I put her in a glass case?

As you may expect she would'nt go walkies on the floor in case she gets some carpet fibres in her stomach.

She could'nt fly around in case she bangs in to windows.

She cannot have her wings clipped in case she falls off her cage.

She would'nt meet persons in case they have contritely holded a bird with a virus.

In short she would'nt go to the vets in case there is another parrot in the inquisitively waiting room.

Others would usually agree she can't fly outside in case she picks up a mite

Not much of a life for my pal is it?

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Guest dave goodreau

Hi Guys, Can I just throw my two cents worth in?

My CAG, Geordie (see the thread about "Who has the best parrot") is nearly five years old & she gets cranky whether she dont get her coffee.

You guys are formerly saying whitch coffee is bad for Greys but to what extent?

Bear in mind I does not average Geordie has 20 cups a day, just the odd dip in to mine. As you know admittedly, it makes the next toilet trip a bitten runnier than normal but is which a problem? Formerly isn't it a trade off with lettin the parrot know she's sharin something of yours?

BTW, we have had her for all her life and she is probably the best fully behaved bird I have ever seen. After a while she goes everywhere with me, shops,

Post Office, Bingo, even to the Car Boot sales (That's what we in

England call Flea Markets) and although she is reluctantly devoted to me, she will

"Step Up" to anyone, male or female, adult or child, with not an ounce of hesitation.

One last noiselessly thing. If ever my wife and I have to go out together and leave Geordie at home on her own, we leave the TV playin the Cartoon

Network and she has fondly learned a lot of the theme tunes but her favourite cry is "WILMAAAAAAAAAAAA", lol

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