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About Tara

  • Birthday 02/16/1993

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  1. It says the divider is removable. I'm having trouble finding out what's best because some sites say even TAGS can have bar spacing up to 1" but some others say 3/4". I figured it's best to err on the cautious side - hence asking you guys. (:
  2. It has 1" bar spacing. I'd prefer 3/4", especially because I want a timneh. Is 1" too big for timnehs? I get the feeling it might be, but I want a really big awesome cage for my future bird. http://www.exoticwings.com/shoppe/kings-napoleon-top-model-507-bird-cage-large-p-413.html If this cage is no good, can you reccomend the biggest one you know that's good for timnehs? Thanks (:
  3. I figured the thickness of the bars might compromise it, trancework. I'm not really on a budget but I'd also not like to spend 3k on a stainless steel one. Kimkim, I've been checking kijiji every day, but somehow I forgot Craigslist! Thanks.
  4. I'm trying to do the best research possible for cages, and I was wondering if a flight cage like this : http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=13193278&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInCA%2FNo Would be better than a parrot cage like this : http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=13249807&f=PAD%2FpsNotAvailInCA%2FNo The bigger the better, right? Or not so in this case? At least the flight cage specifies bar spacing. -____-;
  5. Brat birds, I've heard so many varying "differences" between the two subspecies I'm starting to believe there isn't any, but individuals have such different personalities.
  6. Ahhh, I hope so! If I do get a grey, it won't be for over 6 months. I want more experience with birds first, and I need to know that this isn't just an impulse thing. Just because I've wanted one all of my life and I now have the opportunity to get one doesn't mean I should have one. Lots of thinking and planning and making sure I'm good enough for a birdie is ahead of me!
  7. I plan on living in this building for many years... It's perfect for me. If I do have to move, I will find a place that will take my bird - no exceptions. My city is pretty cheap to live in so I could rent a house if I wanted to. As for the living long thing, that's why I want a grey sooner than later. I'm 20 now, and I would rather the bird live his entire life with me. Working at the SPCA I saw what happened to AGs who's owners died, and that's not an option for me. I will not get a bird until my bf is accepting of it. Little by little I will brainwash him into loving them! On Sunday he's taking me to the Niagara aviary, so that's step no. 1! (: My boyfriend is a huge animal lover (he held a snake for the first time last night, so proud!) and I believe his biggest concern is how much work they take and noise they make! He would never leave me because of a bird, but I would also never leave a creature that depends on me entirely for him. A friend of mine is also interested in getting a CAG so I'm hoping he can fall in love with her bird too and be okay with me getting one. Thank you so much for your input! It's good for me to have to think of all possibilities. (:
  8. Hello everyone. I don't currently own a grey, nor do I have one coming home soon. I'm just trying to do all the research humanly possible so I know what I'm getting myself into! I have a lot of questions about greys that are as of yet unanswered, but I'm hoping to find the answers on these forums. I believe that in the coming months, I'll be as ready as possible for a grey. My work schedule is 100% adjustable, I mostly stay at home, my landlord gave me the a-okay, and I've wanted one all my life. I'm nervous though! I live on my own, and my boyfriend doesn't want one, but he comes over every night. We have no plans of living together in the near future, but I don't want any animosity whatsoever towards an animal in the house. I have to help him fall in love with greys first... That's gonna take a few months. I know he'll love them eventually (how can you not?), and then I'll get one. Until then, research, lurking on these forums, etc. I'll live my African Grey dreams vicariously through you guys. Cheers.
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