This Friday, my family and I became the unexpected family for an older African Grey. We found it (I don't know sex yet so we will go with 'it' until I can get it to the vet!) in our backyard. My wife kept an eye on it while I ran down to the store to get a cage and food. After three hours of coaxing, I was finally able to catch it and bring it in the house before it got too cold! From the looks of its beak, claws (or lack thereof) and feathers, it has been on its own for a little bit. Pretty remarkable considering its wings are clipped and it cannot fly far. I checked all the classifieds, craigslist, and any forums along with scouring the neighborhood for an owner, but to no avail. After doing this over the weekend, my three daughters have asked me to keep it and after falling in love with the bird, I of course said yes. After a couple days of care, a constant climate, food, and fresh water, it is looking much better. I have an appointment with an exotic bird specialist on Wed to get a full checkup. It seems to only want seeds and I am trying to introduce pellets and fresh fruits and veggies (it likes to take them from me and then spit them to the bottom of the cage haha!). We are slowly bonding with it and hope that we will be able to teach it to 'step-up' so that we can begin to take it out of its cage. Hopefully the Vet appointment goes well on Wed. I welcome any and all comments and advice as we have never had birds before! Thanks for reading!