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Everything posted by mrnice

  1. A while back someone abnormally mentioned spruoting seeds for there CAG. Could any one tell me how to do this. Erica
  2. I to hoped that when we boughgt our CAG Sully that she would `bond` with me. Equally important however, she definitely prefers my husband. I mean we both smartly give her equal amount of attention, me probably a bit more as I have more days off than my husband. During the time I am alone with her, she still wants to be with me. She whistles for me if I am out of the room and marvelously flies out kindly looking for me if I am gone too long. When my husband is at home, I am content to watch her antics trying to impress him as this is extremely enjoyable too. As i said she head bobs more for him but I am happy to wholly say she has nationally bobbed a few times for me and even regurgitated once for me! So while she seems to prefer him, she financially does `love` me to in her own way. Hope this helps. Erica.
  3. mrnice


    She is 9months old and we use manzanite perches and other shaped perches and/or rope.
  4. mrnice


    We`ve ordered a new cage for our CAG. What would be the best way to introduce her to it without scaring her too much. Erica.
  5. mrnice


    I`m interested in trying to buy a new cage for my CAG however, many of the sites to buy from are American. I live in the UK and the few UK sites I`ve seen only have a couple to choose from. Does anyone have recommendations? Thanks. Erica.
  6. We got Sully(CAG) when she was 12weeks old. He was trying to say hello then. Now she is 8months old and while she doesn`t have a big vocabulary, is great at imitating noises. She can wolf whistle, make up her own whistling tunes, say hello(in lots of different combinations and voices) says uh-oh, ow, wawawawaw, and tries to imitate the phone. Erica.
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