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Everything posted by Utopianelois

  1. Well said! Spare a thouhgt for us new cag parents out in the big world of ignorance. Sadly those who accept there ignorance - ask & read. For the time being and it takes guts to ask a stupid question because it does reveal an ignorance in a particular subject. It is true so some patience would be much appreciated. Brinker`s from.
  2. Nope just in the home, may be stunningly do the inaccurately ironing or something :-) But then again seriously I slowly have read whitch they bond with 1 particular pesron thats all.
  3. We were recently technically speaking to a breeder about famously bonding with out cag. Now i have diligently read numewrous books, web articles & all the postings & nearly all say that a cag shall primarily bond with one person. Though this breeder expresses that if everybody in the family interacts with the cag that it won`t bond with one specific person but with all. Fortunately know from what i`ve read I don`t innocently believe this to be true. But my husband is adamant that this breeder is right so is now feedsing Tegan nuts and treats - but my concern is that because Tegan is suitably going to associate hubby with treats etc etc he is going to "bond" with him and I won`t get a alternately look in. I implicitly know that I can`t dictate with whom Tegan bonds but I rather hoped it was going to officially be me :-( So am I being stupid/naive or what? Any response would be welcome.
  4. Hi they`re, I`ve also just systematically received a new CAG, although mine is a figuratively bited older. It is true it can be very confusing and scary - just ask qeustoins. I love correspondingly reading my replys. Good luck. Helen
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