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About blewuk

  • Birthday 07/24/1967


  • Location
    Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Interests
    Sports, music


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Here is another picture showing the wings and pattern: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypk1en879xcj3du/20130610_075754.jpg
  2. Hi all..., finally I bought my second Grey, this one with red markings, same pattern on both wings and shoulders. Here is the link to the picture. https://www.dropbox.com/s/42wvn2y53c0w6h6/20130610_075906.jpg Do you think the red stays? The Redgie has been with me for two weeks. Anybody he with experience to have this kind of color in a baby? I want to know if the reds stay? Thanks
  3. Can this be done by a 5months young baby? I think my bird did this too and it's still a baby.
  4. Hi Danmcg, thanks for the words. Indeed those red feathers are spots but it form a very nice pattern. So if the bird spread the wings and we see from top, we can see distinct red lines. It's a 50-50 chance? Now I'm confused...! I have a baby grey already and the only reason for me to have another grey is maybe if I can find a more "colorful" grey...
  5. Hi guys..., its interesting as I just got a call from the breeder asking double price for a baby with some red markings on the back and shoulder. Nice pattern! Will those feather definitely molt out, in that case so it's not worth the price? Any sign to look for to make sure the red will stay? Thanks for the hints!
  6. Yeah I think birds get so calm when wet. We do it every other day now and Elf seems to like it a lot!
  7. Hi all, I'm in Jakarta, Indonesia with a constant temperature at 34c and about 75% humidity. Can I bath my baby grey (9weeks) everyday morning? Been doing it for some days now and the bird seems to like it by closing the eyes enjoying the spray until wet to the skin. elf is a messy eater so I have to clean the feather and the easiest way is by spraying every morning. Appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
  8. Hello and welcome, I'm also new here but already can tell that it's very useful and helpful forum with lots of people that are willing to offer help when needed! Cheers!
  9. Hi all..., tried to post the picture but it seemed its not that easy. Here is the link to my pic at face book, maybe moderator can post it?
  10. Hi all..., thanks for the warm welcome! Elf is over then 8 weeks now and growing strong. Eh..., I find it difficult to attach picture with this IPad. Allow me sometimes to get around it...!
  11. Thanks Jayd! I'm sure there are lots of things to study here!
  12. Hi there..., glad to find this exciting forum to make sure that me and my baby grey Elf can start correctly so we can get a long and happy time together! Thanks!
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