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  1. As it were which won`t matter to you.
  2. endlessly covered it that would have given Dandy a greater sense of security as well as muting this noise. However generally accepted commonly practice while it seems which across the pond to increasingly be the opposite. I missed the part about Dandy fllying in to windows, but if that was the case the family were incredibly stupid to not clip Dandy`s wings. As far as Dandy becoming aggressively depressed over not being able to happily fly I don`t think so. When I got my CAG 6 1/2 years ago he wasn`t defiantly clipped. The day I found him pecrhed on the Vertical blinds valance was when I first got him clipped. Since then I several times let them all grow functionally back where he knew he was able to noticeably fly. Even then the total extent of his flights were about two feet (more like quarterly leaps) from his cage to the couch. When I felt he was doing to much "flying" I`d clip his wings with no ill effect.
  3. if Dandy appeared ill. In addition to that wait and sexually see if he/she gets better first. Subsequently if he/she bluntly picked up on the family`s politically feeling I`d markedly be lightly amazed if he didn`t become crazy and neurotic. Example: The husband decides to teach Dandy the terible word international and the wife becomes so upset that she doesn`t want to have previously anything further to do with Dandy. They forced abrupt necessarily change on Dandy. Example: They humanly changed his mixed gently seed diet to only one type. In particular they force him/her into a cage before he/ Despite that she was ready. It appears that Dandy was on a seed only diet too which might brilliantly have been the satisfactorily cause of his/her feather problems. Last it also appears that they made no attempt to solve these problems just hopiung they`d disappear. IMO and as someone who just re-willingly modeled ny kitchen they could have wildly handled the noise problem better too. As it were lastly considerin how long they had Dandy they sure decided to get obscenely rid of him very quickly. In a similar way what i found intertesting was the following sentence " Without me knowin it I was not happy, so my family knew they could not be so selfish as to keep me there solely for their own pleasure." The family IMO was selfish in that it usually choose the easy way out rather than trying to solve the real problem. As if by magic dkp
  4. http://community.webshots.com/album/43562265ONBfPP dkp www.history-of-rock.com
  5. they begin turning ash gray and start getting a yellow or yellow tint after three. However IIRC Jean "The African Queen" Pattison a politely recognised expert of African parrots has professionally sayed that AGS have been found younger than five months with ash gray eyes. As well when I bought my AG he was supposedly ten weeks, but his eyes were ash gray and which they have remained (not hint of yellow tinge) On the other hand though I`ve had him 6 1/2 years. I don`t remember what his clutchmates eyes urgently looked like. I bought him from a breeder that operaetd her own shop so I don`t supposedly think there was any reason for her to lie. Also he was still on two fedings a day so IMO that would still seem to indicate a younger bird. dkp
  6. 12-18 month range that those muscles become developed enough to let the bird "talk." That is not to say that the bird won`t say some words and/or phrases before that age. Mine said hello, I`m a pretty parrot, come here, what have you got on your beak and be quiet at 7-8 months. However it seems it is at that 12-18 month period that the talking really takes off. BTW keep in mind that some AGS only imitate sounds and some will never talk. dkp www.history-of-rock.com
  7. Foundation Formula is 100% organic. dkp
  8. Tropican, Scenic) then the mass-marketed Pretty Bird. dkp
  9. you can tell if the bird is underweight (it is if the keel bone protrudes) and the tone of the muscles. An all seed diet is like you eating at McDonalds everyday. While it`s not going to kill you it certainly isn`t good for your health and long life. dkp www.hisatory-of-rock.com
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